Gerald McBoingboing

Now that's funny, I don't care who y'are!

Meester Huckabee, thees tweet ees not so funny I theeeeeeeenk,

With enough practice you can get them off in one smooth motion, Gunslinger-style.

Y'all heard about Old Man Boos? Lives in that old house up the road, they say some nights you can hear his hundreds of keys and lip balms jinglin' around in the pockets of his haunted cargo shorts.

"I'm not a spinster, life at home with Mittens is like an episode of Sex and the Kitty!

1. Lonely
2. Want a pet that can talk back
3. Need someone to put you in a home after begging them not to

I'm gonna be honest with you, I haven't worn anything but capris in years.

I'll compromise and wear the V-neck sweater, upside down and in place of the skinny jeans.

I'll give up sex forever before I put on a pair of skinny jeans.

I don't disagree at all but I still felt like a pervert watching that scene.

Not sure I would make an appointment to watch any more Benioff/Weiss GoT. Once they ran out of book to crib from it seems everyone got really hacky. It might have just been the Wacky Adventures of Varys and Tyrion but most of the last couple seasons haven't really done it for me.

I thought about that scene a lot after watching it, and while I can appreciate how completely accurate the fumbling awkwardness of your first feel up was captured there, as well as the purity and intensity of first "love" I'm not sure it's something that needed to be put on screen, even though it was clearly not

Immediately counter announcement with formation of nursery rhyme supergroup, Big Head Nod and the Winkens.

I don't care much for their planet exploding platform but I am in favor of force choking any prick I want.

Nobody's gonna get in trouble?! Not in my America, buddy.

It's to generate more hype for the Democratic Convention that summer as Kong is expected to sweep the primaries.

It really is. Like that Joe Walsh tweet on the Jimmy Kimmel Newswire, it just blew my fucking mind how someone can be so hateful. I thought to myself "Surely, if this prick had to go to every free clinic in the ghetto and tell every single mother with a coughing baby in her arms that he wasn't obligated to give them

Hmm… needs more bees.

"The juxtaposition of Trump's latest gaffe with Kirsanoff's Ménilmontant was merely the highlight of what was, for me, the finest Newswire this site has produced. C-"

Appropriateness of boners may still be hotly debated but you keep your balls out of my buffets.