Gerald McBoingboing

Man why didn't we get the Ken Burns-style documentary of World War Z that we deserved instead of CGI ant-people swarming up a wall.

♫ When people stand in hailstorms then it's probably a
Faaaaaaat kiiiiiiiid
Faaaaaaat kiiiiiiiid ♪

Is It Butter? Bitch It Might Be!


Probably the worst movie I ever saw in the theater was Star Wars Episode I. After having been hyped for months, and sitting in line for four hours (with my ever patient and understanding then-girlfriend) I was expecting nothing less than a 2 hour mindgasm. Walking out of the theater at 2am I honestly could not

wtf is spjut lol

16mm is a nickname for sixteen millimeter, and nicknames are for friends, and sixteen millimeter is no friend of mine.

"Alright people, don't act like this guy WINK WINK"

I heard "Lucifer" many more times than I wanted but about as many as I expected.

Makin' America Great Agin!

I feel like you're cruisin' for a bruisin', mister.

Guy looks like how a poorly wiped ass smells.

Some may call me a Pollyanna but I feel like the Trump administration will be a wake up call to Americans and usher in a new, enlightened era of civic engagement and equality for all.

It took me 3 times before I was able to finish the pilot. I guess I was expecting more action since this was around the time Walt was wearing black and looking more menacing on the DVD season covers.

He did a Charles Nelson Reilly on a SNL Inside the Actor's Studio that just about killed me.

I'm late but I loved this whole bit. Thanks to both of you.

"Sir Lumpus of House Walleye asks for your favor in today's joust, m'lady."

I was never terrified of clowns as a child but I did have a deep mistrust of them even before I was able to articulate why. It's like, why are you trying so hard to make me laugh? What are you hiding behind that mask and paint and crazy hair?!

Now ya see, college educated white women vote against their interests like this

Rheumy eyes
In my head
Rheumy eyes