Gerald McBoingboing

Is his nose off center or is it his goatee.


I've heard it described as "nerdface" (which probably says more about its detractors than the writers/actors), but having sat through a few episodes it's nothing to get upset about. Just your standard humorless jokes-telegraphed-from-ten-lines-away network sitcom.

I seem to recall folks saying this back when I voted for Nader in 2000, and it's been almost two decades and here we still are. People keep saying viable alternatives are never going to happen and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

He wasn't supervillain evil but he was definitely a smug, lying asshole. Don't forget this is the guy who grabbed a Letterman producer's dress and used it to wipe his glasses, then years later walked onto an aircraft carrier in a goddamn flightsuit like he was fucking GI Joe, bombin' Iraq an' gettin' freedom fer

Oh man that Hanjin bankruptcy was a fucking nightmare. It's weird reading about the impact outside the industry. Also this book looks really cool, I think I will buy it.


Only thing I remember about Digimon is the PlayStation game where you had an absurdly small amount of time to bring them to the toilet and if they didn't make it and shit on the ground they were guaranteed to evolve into… Shitmon, or whatever the big turd looking one was called. I hated that game.

If they wanted to see a land whale they could've just asked my mother-in-law!

Don't be ridiculous.

farts@fartsbutts.com is worth a heck of a lot more than 75 cents, madam.

My Congressman is also named Barb!

Won't someone please think of the adult millionaire children?!

… a little?

God wouldn't it be nice to see a united "Impeach Trump" platform. Makes me wish we had a national party with a spine.

Straightforward from here:
1. Bend bendy straw
2. Turn upside down
3. Stab holes in straw with burnt french fry
4. Straw of the future
5. President Clinton

Will we believe what happens next?


Let's not get ahead of ourselves Musk, where are the lifelike sexbots!

"Everyone go out and buy Rick's footballs!"