Gerald McBoingboing

Some reasons:
the hat
the mustache
the giant gourd head
the irritating voice
probably smells like toenail cheese

Trump: "Have Carrot Top killed."
Bannon: "But sir, that's-"
Trump: "DO AS I SAY!"

Part of it was incredibly accurate period detail. They nailed all the little details that even I had forgotten about, like turning the TV channel with a dial and smoking indoors. The "feel" of the show recalls a lot of 80's entertainment (Firestarter, E.T., I know there's more) as well as the casting of

Dave Matthews doesn't sound the same coming out of a cloud, man! This is terrible!

I'm sending out zero thoughts and prayers.

Whoa now, let's not start any blasphemous rumors.

Curse you Michael Bay, the world needs heroes now more than ever!

I hated The Phantom Menace so much. I sat in line for hours after, what was it, 15 years of anticipation, and was just so hurt at how shitty it was. It took me awhile to stop (partially) blaming Jake Lloyd, I'm sure some of my ex-friends can still recite my frothing "but why does Darth Vader have to be a child?!"

She looks so much like my daughter.

It was about $400 back in 1993-ish.

Also they are clearly both big wrestling fans.

"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,"

Reminds me more of the dog translators from Up.

The elusive Dickon Manwoody.

Are you saying smooth jazz isn't real music?

This is part of the reason I quit Facebook. Every winter the same shit "It's snowin' outside! LOL WHAT GLOBAL WARMING?!"

When you someone Liam it.

Are they all Bothans?

I'm down for some more Ghostbusters, sure. Anything with a fat guy and a monkey in a hat is right up my alley.

I am a 34 years old hideously mangled amputee powerlifter.