Gerald McBoingboing

"Paging Dr. Feelgood, we've got a quadruple bypass and foot amputation in ER 2."

More people should name their children Zeus, Big Easy, or Thunder. Would go a long way to making the world a groovier place.

I read the whole thing in Bubblegum Tate's voice, which I'm sure was your intention.

This guy tells it like it is, I don't care who ya are!

"which, you know, call it what you will.”

As if going to the theater isn't unpleasant enough already.

I loved you in John Carpenter's Vampires, you coke snorting old hack!

Whoa dial it down a bit Moff Bannon.

The Monster at the End of This Book is about due for a gritty reboot.

At the gargantuan dollhouse store.

I deserve this because I need a place to hang my lifesize Cuttlefish of Cthulu replica when I'm not sodomizing politicians and the infirm.

It's called "resting dick face".

The Phantom Menace was more disappointing than realizing my parents were never getting back together. I sat in line for HOURS opening night after waiting for the fabled prequels for YEARS and I just could not, would not believe that this movie could be so aggressively shitty. But oh god, it was, IT WAS.

Take care everyone! I don't post much but you all fill me with hot, creamy mirth all year long and I'm grateful for it.



My favorite part was the aliens that talked in fart noises.

Straight up!  I wish I wasn't at work so I could, you know, actually hear it.

I don't WANT GOOP, goddammit!  I'm a Dapper Dan man!

Fuck.  Yes.