Gerald McBoingboing

This man said "It's gruesome
That someone so loathsome
Should fail."

Good news, Hoodwink. All the BGs were merged for Cataclysm, so you could conceivably meet/kill any one of us in a random battleground.

You deserve to be fucked by the Devil in the back of his car.

The answer is both, Nigga.

I got Bowfinger from Netflix.

When will we ever get away from the fail?

Ed Begley Jr., your environmental activism and vegan diet have driven you mad!

Shrike, my guess is Hipster Dbag.

That was awful and unnecessary. You deserve an extended sex scene with that Scott Stapp looking jackass from the Underworld movies.

This is almost enough to shake me from my voter's apathy.

Enough about ricin beans' promiscuous mother, AJR!

Come on Clem, don't forget the crotch honk.


Well, that's just fine!

No, you guys have it all wrong. Horsefellow is a horse that taught itself to type, and the mistakes are a result of massive, shoed hooves being unwieldy typing instruments.

Black Dynamite and Galaxy Quest.

I hear there's a segment called "Hornet's Nest Tetherball." That sounds like it'd be worth the price of admission alone.

Was that directed at me? Because that makes me want to read it even less!

With a little "Jukebox Hero" thrown in for good measure.

You can keep the five bucks!