
I enjoyed it but I just don't know who has time on their hands enough to waste it putting together these kinds of things. So thanks for your week or two worth of work for my 2 minutes of attention and light chuckle.

This got stuck in a weird middle of CGI, either go full live action with body suits and makeup or go full CGI and make it look like the video game. Visually its like its stuck in limbo between the two and neither is successful.

80085 is the only math that matters

Its in there, you just can't see it because the contrast is so damn dark.

Stop trying to make variety shows happen, they're never going to happen.

Read? This is the internet, we skim and then make comments barely related to the subject!

Where can I get that Clue book and who do I give all my money to?

He looks like a ventriloquist doll.

It would have had more impact if it was in slow mo.

Was Arsenio booked already that night?

There is only so much of Tom Morello's refusal to just buy a damn turntable already scratching on his guitar a human ear can handle in one sitting.

Tampa's now MidFlorida Credit Union use to be called the 1-800 Ask Gary amphitheater which I always got a chuckle out of.

Finally I can pay money for someone to yell their political opinions at me!

Weezer stopped making music after Pinkerton.

Neo-Geo inspired or GTFO

What took longer..their rise in Hollywood or the time it took to upload that first video on a dial-up connection?

They became Bus Men and had to move out of their parents' houses.

Comics are faster to write than novels is what I took away from this whole thing.

It had decent action scenes that you could at least tell what was happening during them which is a nice change from most action movies lately.

I've seen the Robocop remake but the only thing I can remember about it was that Michael Keaton is in a black sweater and jeans and that the only human part of Robocop is basically a hand and like an eyeball. It was so bland and boring.