
I am not outraged in the slightest I am confused as to the why behind your feeling he should be changed. I'm confused why the character can't keep on being a white British man, what is so bad about that? You're rebuttal seems to just be "why not". Again you are projecting this racist slant to what I am saying that

I like it. Its silly but at least he seems to be having fun with the character.

Except I like Bond. You don't seem to like Bond so it should be easier for you to not pay attention to the people that do like Bond and don't understand the why behind making a change to the character.

There is a need for a white actor because he is described that way in the f'ing books. If you're standpoint is "why not have a different color skinned Bond" then my my standpoint is "why not just keep him as he has been for 60 years?" Its a matter of not wanting change just for the sake of change. There is no reason

That's three anime characters next to the guy in the glasses right?

The Man from U.N.C.L.E came out earlier this year. It is basically Bond-lite. It was pretty good too.

Forget Charlize Theron just hire Caitlyn Jenner.

Exactly. If you don't like something don't pay attention to it. Look for or do something new instead of trying to change something you don't like.

Thank you. That was my point in an earlier post exchange with Electric Sheep. Why do it at all?

Goodness. No, I'm not saying an Indian or Black actor can't have the job. What I am saying is I don't understand the NEED for the change. What is so wrong with a white UK guy playing a white British spy?

Why is it about racism? I am not saying I do not want or think an Indian or Black spy would work or be enjoyable to watch. I'm saying there is no need to force a change on the Bond series. Nothing about my stance is based in racism it is not wanting an unneeded change to an established franchise.

It would most certainly change the formula with a woman as bond. Yes, nationality/race wouldn't change the formula but it has been firmly established that Bond isn't a code name and is described in the books as a white British guy.

Why can't I just keep enjoying the Bond formula? It's been around for over 60 years so why do we have to keep talking about what it NEEDS.

Bad guys just wanna have fu-un. Yeah, bad guys wanna have fun.

He also did Bones shortly after HoH, which is better.

Bones isn't terrible but it isn't great.

Hot enough in here for you?

Watched this last year for the first time in a long time and it holds up really well. The doll segment, while the 90's fx wasn't great, was very creepy. Overall a very solid horror movie.

damn I didn't realize just how much was copied when I saw it. That's a lot of just copy and paste.

If every picture isn't purple I don't know what the point is.