Son of Dad

Could easily be the Boltons instead, for now. Makes just as much sense.

I'm guessing Brienne ends up running into the Hound or Arya or both and not Lady S.

I found Ramsay fascinating. Much more so than the dork they casted for him on TV… should've been more slimey/revolting while trying to "lord" himself up for his father. If that makes any cunting sense…

What the hell? I was pleasantly surprised that the Hound was not mortally wounded at the end of episode 1… give them all the time they need. What's your hurry?

Yup. They could really do anything they want with any of the Stark/Brotherhood rivals. I can't wait to see what they do, if they do anything.

She sucks.

Maybe not for the screen, but I thought Tyrion's arc in ADWD was wonderful. Kind of drawn out in the end when he hooks up with the Second Sons, but… I can't wait to see what he does across the Narrow Sea.

I actually wish I knew this for a fact now, because we have 3 episodes left and I have this irrational fear they won't get to her. They haven't even shown the Brotherhood yet, and Brienne and Pod could simply end up running into The Hound/Arya for their part to wrap up this season. Maybe I'm just trying to

No. Not that worried about it.

I'm sure that Brienne is going to run into the Hound (who else is left to mortally wound him?), if not Stoneheart/Brotherhood or both.

Ahhhh shit I forgot he ever said that to her in the books before dropping her like a sack of dead cats. Nice.

Not sure what you mean by "Only Cat", refresh me

PLEASE do Lady Stoneheart this season. PLEEEEEASE

Lovecraft adopted the King in Yellow mythos into his universe, though in what manner I don't know. But I'm pretty sure Pizzolatto is doing something similar… the detectives are not going peruse the library and find the Chambers novel, haha.

The show is fiction. Isn't it fair to assume that Chambers never
wrote "The King in Yellow" in this show's universe and that the play
from the Chambers book is actually "real" (to the members of this
alleged cult in the show) and the origin of The King in Yellow mythos is
thus unknown so far. "It reads like a

Nah, what happened to Rust was shitty, but he's tougher than that and took that shit in stride. "Nice hook, Marty" haha

You guys, it was absolutely before he fucked Marty's wife - that and their subsequent fight was the LAST event of 2002 we see in the show. Rust quits the force and the show opens up again in 2012.

It's no dead body like Salter wanted, but the fact is that the sticks were fucking primary
pieces of evidence all over the Lange murder, Fontenot's shed, and Ledoux's
meth lab. At least mention it to Marty to get him back on
your side?! Maybe that's what's in his storage shed and he wanted some
shit to be on the down

Why can't Cohle make a case for the Tuttle connection after finding the
sticks and creepy drawings in the abandoned school? At least disclose
that to Marty? Felt that was strangely overlooked.

Yeah, I think I mouthed "man fuck that bish" when he up and left. Another great "man's world" moment for this show where no one really wins.