Son of Dad

Walking Dead fell the fuck off after Darabont was no longer a showrunner. FAAAACT

Dude wants to talk about "music supervision" and doesn't even mention the great Melvins selection. Also Primus, and Wu-Tang being played in the projects

For me, this show hit Twin Peaks status in two

im so glad huell is ok

imagine how much more of a mewling retard you'd be had we not came down on you… it's for the better.

Your loss, WEAKLING!!!

Lost was fucking stupid. Let's talk about how shittily that show ended.

He was a shit-bag character because he was poorly portrayed and written

yeah. james was bad.

Awwwwww. Try harder…

Angelo Badalamenti is another big reason of why I love TP/Lynch

It just means more shit I gotta do now!

Oh man. If you can't enjoy watching the first half hour of FWWM I don't know what to tell you.

I agree with Jordo. The series finale of Twin Peaks is a national treasure… to me, that episode and FWWM explores my favorite aspects of the series.

Love this movie.

Yeah, and I bet she's still smokin'

I'd still wrap her around my face and wear her like a feed-basket. You bunch of ageist fucks!

"This toilet bullshit and expecting the audience to remember something from a year ago."

all these comments are great. I was mildly into Stanhope before I watched Eddie, but that episode actually got me to book a ticket for his show. Just to see what he's about and up to these days. Also because the venue is cool.