Son of Dad

Just give into it, you know want to.

I'm with you. I know she can't act, but that's it. How she was
walking down the hallway, after Diane visits Cooper, was really funny. Pro Chrysta Bell.

He was awesome in Fire Walk With Me too

Sooo into it.

He wouldn't be alive if it weren't for taking a bastard name; Lyanna was afraid Robert would have had the baby killed

Of course Benjen looked dead, and his hands were blackened too. Coldhands was also described not to look wight-like, or rather just lacking the blue eyes

Quite confident it's happening. That's why Jon's resurrection was so meh, as well as being long expected… I think they're setting up Stoneheart as a shocker for the non-book readers

Because I think it was kind of supposed to be, compared to what's coming later…

It was utter shite, everyone else is kidding themselves

Jesus Christ…

No, that was stupid too

There's no reason for it, it was inserted just to offend you.

This season is better than the last so far, only thing I dislike is Dorne.

What? Flak? What sort of JUSTICE do you think should have been doled out for writing fiction?

Dude you're a dick

I loved the Hound/Bronn scene, pshaw. I saw that before I read the books, though. Doesn't matter…

Disappointed they didn't make Tyrion dramatically spew his meal… I like to imagine him sharing that glance with Cersei with bile dripping from his mouth.

I'm so excited. For a little while I feared they had chickened out…

I think Shae has more impact in the show than the book. Her being foreign and acting with Dinklage, she stands out more. I can't wait for it to happen.

The ASOS epilogue was my favorite stand-out part of the whole series