Gul Dukat

Greetings, fellow Cardassians.  Let me begin by saying that that is a very unflattering photo of me above, and I’m very disappointed in the person who chose said photo for this retelling of events.  If I wasn’t stuck in these fire-caves, then I would show him or her just
how displeased I am with this photo.

Greetings, fellow Cardassians.   Let’s talk about Klingons.

Greetings, fellow Cardassians.   Let’s talk about Klingons.

Greetings, fellow Cardassians.  I am so glad to be back here today, because I have been dying to talk about the subject for today.  In fact, it’s been on my mind for quite some time as I have been so looking forward to discuss this matter.  And, that would be the topic of Bajoran lightships.

Greetings, fellow Cardassians.  I am so glad to be back here today, because I have been dying to talk about the subject for today.  In fact, it’s been on my mind for quite some time as I have been so looking forward to discuss this matter.  And, that would be the topic of Bajoran lightships.

Well, seven centuries of functioning well is a pretty good track record.

Well, seven centuries of functioning well is a pretty good track record.

It's a rather complicated process.  I can't fully explain or even understand how it work myself.  I was never much of a scientist, hence why I went into the military.  And, there is the fact that the Pah Wraiths are as cryptic as the Prophets.  Trying to get them to give you a clear answer is like trying to get Garak

It's a rather complicated process.  I can't fully explain or even understand how it work myself.  I was never much of a scientist, hence why I went into the military.  And, there is the fact that the Pah Wraiths are as cryptic as the Prophets.  Trying to get them to give you a clear answer is like trying to get Garak

Greetings, fellow Cardassians.  It’s good to be back here so soon.  I do enjoy giving out my perspective of the events that took place at Terok Nor after the Federation took over operations of the station.  And, I do have to say that this particular event involving the Federation traitor Thomas Riker.  Though, I must

Greetings, fellow Cardassians.  It’s good to be back here so soon.  I do enjoy giving out my perspective of the events that took place at Terok Nor after the Federation took over operations of the station.  And, I do have to say that this particular event involving the Federation traitor Thomas Riker.  Though, I must

Well now, that would have just been… pretty clever.  I blame these damn Pah-Wraiths.  They can suck the creativity out of Shoggoth.

Well now, that would have just been… pretty clever.  I blame these damn Pah-Wraiths.  They can suck the creativity out of Shoggoth.

Well, Earth English is not my first language.

Well, Earth English is not my first language.

Greetings fellow, Cardassians.  It is good to be back after who knows how long we have been away from these recaps of the events at Terok Nor.  I seriously would not know how long it has been; I have no sense of time in these fire caves.  Anyway, to the task at hand:  that special little security program I created in

Greetings fellow, Cardassians.  It is good to be back after who knows how long we have been away from these recaps of the events at Terok Nor.  I seriously would not know how long it has been; I have no sense of time in these fire caves.  Anyway, to the task at hand:  that special little security program I created in

Why thank you.  I appreciate the kind words.

Why thank you.  I appreciate the kind words.

Well, I have been told that it sound rather pleasant.