
It was. I saw it last week. The beginning was one of the best there is, starting the film with incredible tempo, something it doesn't lose throughout the entire film. I also don't agree with the criticisms levelled out against the ending. Daniel Craig and Javier Bardem were outstanding, especially the latter. Judi

21 for me. I should watch more films…

Speaking of which, can I ask you something?

That's quite similar to my friday night, albeit different quantities:
- 13 beers
- 3 shots of tequila
- 2 'dropshots' (it's liquorice-flavoured liqueur, about 20% alcohol in a shot glass)

As if there were any doubt. I'm sure there are people who have other episodes on top of their lists, but this is the most consistently high-placed episode of them all.

As if there were any doubt. I'm sure there are people who have other episodes on top of their lists, but this is the most consistently high-placed episode of them all.

My current bottom three, which will stay this way, unless I really, really sour on a different episode:

My current bottom three, which will stay this way, unless I really, really sour on a different episode:

In the midst of all the CZ 10 lists of other awesome shows, I was encouraged to finally begin the most tasking of tasks: The Great Ranking.

In the midst of all the CZ 10 lists of other awesome shows, I was encouraged to finally begin the most tasking of tasks: The Great Ranking.

Which TV-show, movie, musical artist, sports team or cultural phenomenon that has people engaged as a fanbase, are you the most ashamed of having been/being part of?

Which TV-show, movie, musical artist, sports team or cultural phenomenon that has people engaged as a fanbase, are you the most ashamed of having been/being part of?

And if so, did you win?

And if so, did you win?

Step on a crab. If you're lucky, you'll step square on the head, so he won't see it coming. If not and he manges to grab your toe, well, it hurts like hell (I know, cause I did it once, by accident), but at least it fades.
Kissing a jellyfish is gross and if he stings you in the face, it'll hurt for days on the most

Step on a crab. If you're lucky, you'll step square on the head, so he won't see it coming. If not and he manges to grab your toe, well, it hurts like hell (I know, cause I did it once, by accident), but at least it fades.
Kissing a jellyfish is gross and if he stings you in the face, it'll hurt for days on the most

This is great. Really, really great.

This is great. Really, really great.