
Well, I live and therefore also go to college in Holland, where we do not have these kind of class names. That, combined with the fact that I study physics, where even pronouncing the class in a correct manner is a challenge, makes this almost impossible. But a man can try.

Well, I live and therefore also go to college in Holland, where we do not have these kind of class names. That, combined with the fact that I study physics, where even pronouncing the class in a correct manner is a challenge, makes this almost impossible. But a man can try.

Double, because DISQUS!!!!!!!

Double, because DISQUS!!!!!!!

Community has already proven that it does good Halloween episodes and this one is no exception. There may be very little of a story to this episode, nor is there much character development, but it's a Halloween episode, so those things aren't really important. The most important thing is: it's really funny. Some

Community has already proven that it does good Halloween episodes and this one is no exception. There may be very little of a story to this episode, nor is there much character development, but it's a Halloween episode, so those things aren't really important. The most important thing is: it's really funny. Some

Oh. My. God. This post is like a black hole of awesomeness.

Oh. My. God. This post is like a black hole of awesomeness.

Well, I'm off too the panda parade in Bacon Town, Dream Land. I've got to be up 8 hours from now, so I cannot stay to see us reach the 66,666 milestone. Therefore, I'm going to leave this image here as my contribution to the Satan worshipping everybody will be doing then.

Well, I'm off too the panda parade in Bacon Town, Dream Land. I've got to be up 8 hours from now, so I cannot stay to see us reach the 66,666 milestone. Therefore, I'm going to leave this image here as my contribution to the Satan worshipping everybody will be doing then.

Well you're right about Louis van Gaal. His face looks like he's been run over by a steamroller when he was five years old. Plus he's as grumpy as an Orc too.

Well you're right about Louis van Gaal. His face looks like he's been run over by a steamroller when he was five years old. Plus he's as grumpy as an Orc too.

But it's over midnight here in Holland! Though we don't have banshees and such here.

But it's over midnight here in Holland! Though we don't have banshees and such here.

Don't say that! You're gonna make it @HectorTheWellEndowed:disqus, just hold on! Don't leave us, please!

Don't say that! You're gonna make it @HectorTheWellEndowed:disqus, just hold on! Don't leave us, please!

I watched the first season and I liked it. It's not brilliant, but it's good pizza.
After that, however, things got messy fairly quick, in my opinion.

I watched the first season and I liked it. It's not brilliant, but it's good pizza.
After that, however, things got messy fairly quick, in my opinion.

Since our Community here has a pretty wide range of people from different countries, can I ask you guys something? Does everybody here think that most of the TV networks in their home country suck?

Since our Community here has a pretty wide range of people from different countries, can I ask you guys something? Does everybody here think that most of the TV networks in their home country suck?