
I remember how insensitive the other three came off to not even pick up on Rachel embarassed and whispering that she'll just have the salad, and Joey and Phoebe also struggling. It was so clear that they couldn't afford to eat out at such an expensive place, if even Joey isn't ordering much then you'd think that their

Even with Luke, I'm not knocking him, but the fact is that he did inherit the building from his father. Richard and Emily would consider him a success if he branched out a bit and started his own franchise, as Richard later suggests in season 6 with aiming higher. Luke being happy with the status quo just doesn't make

Yeah I don't get it, I thought that most fans value seasons 1-3 the most and it's generally the later seasons that are considered more unpopular??? It just seems like the reviewer dismisses any episode that doesn't have a wealth of plot, in which case maybe he isn't the best person to be reviewing this show?

Did Emily really hold money over Lorelai's head though? It always seemed like she was happy to get the chance to contribute financially if it meant having proper contact with her daughter and granddaughter. She could certainly be very critical over Lorelai's life choices, but I don't remember her gloating when Lorelai

It's odd to see him slamming two episodes that are pretty popular with the fans though

You are correct, critics and fans have always spoken highly of The Blackout, and I believe the people behind the show have also said it's one of their favourites. It has the combination of five of the Friends together in the apartment (which is always popular), plus the Chandler sub-plot at a time when he was

Yeah I don't think it really matters because the first time I watched I assumed that she was just a model that the show made up for the purposes of the story. If someone does watch years later and has never heard of her then surely they will just assume the same, instead of getting frustrated and seeing it as a dated

Yeah I've always heard The One With The Blackout referred to as a classic, it's such a great showcase for Chandler who was the break-out character of the first season

I thought it was really clear, he explicitly said that he wanted a copy to show all the guys he went to high school with. I'm not sure why the reviewers think there's any confusion there about whether he wanted to hide the tape or show it

If anything I find season 1 stronger than some of the worst episodes season 2 produced, or at least more consistent. When season 2 was good it was REALLY good, but when it was bad it produced genuinally awful episodes of which you didn't see as much of in season 1. Even Jerehmiah Crichton, okay it may not have been

Yeah I agree, at one point season 2 was my favourite season because there are so many classic episodes and I love the finale soooo much and everything they do with John and Scorpuis, but looking back the quality is SO uneven that I would have to take about 6 or 7 episodes out to make it my perfect season lol.

It was disappointing how afraid the official companions were to critisize the show in any way, I think the closest they came to it was when they defended I ET, therefore implying that it didn't have a great reputation. But other than that they seemed afraid to say anything even slightly negative which seems a shame as

I'm a shipper and I still found The Locket very boring and dragged out, the only decent shippy moment in it for me was the final moment with the locket having the picture of John, and that was a looong 45 minutes to sit through to get to that scene
Dream A Little Deam is worse though granted

Yep, they wanted a 20 year old American actress I believe

I found the same with both Zhann and D'Argo centric episodes. As rich and well-developed as the supporting cast is, Farscape for me only really works when it's John's experiences driving the narrative. They did produce a few really good Aeryn-focused episodes though, but most of the time it was always less interesting

I'm not sure whether this is fair or not, but I've always credited David Kemper with what I loved the most about Farscape to be quite honest. He seemed to take over more in seasons 2, 3 and 4 which were my fav seasons, a lot of people talk about season 1 having a bumpy start and I believe that's the season that Rockne

Yes! I am baffled as to why people keep talking about season 7 being so terrible because the original creater left. I thought GG started getting bad when she was still around during season 6, it had obviously been running for too long and they were out of ideas, so introduced ridiculous ideas like Luke's daughter. It

Same for me, one of my friends has completely stalled watching actually because she found the beginning of that season so boring. I only perserved with it because I already brought the complete series by then and didn't want to waste my money lol. In retrospect I am glad I watched it and think the overall season is

I know? But that room still had their own bathroom as did Dan and Roseanne's, so it always seemed like a pretty great and spacious house to raise a family to me

They managed their money badly and didn't put enough away in savings when they did have jobs, I always thought that was their biggest problem. They weren't exactly thrifty and living within their means, just look at all the money they spend on take-out! I agree that they never seemed THAT poor to me though, their home