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    i think so, b/c that's my username and i didn't post the "Primero" entry…or the one below.

    I'm NOT JC but it tells me i have to be to post
    Be nice, Amelie… I think you just stumbled upon the Special Olympics version of modeling. And George is proud of his fuzzy mustache, so don't take that away from him. It took him 6 months to grow.


    ID Qs
    I have no idea what any of those things people are requesting titles for, but every last one of them sounds cool!



    i am thirsty
    thor some water…

    See above - it was "Unico," and available on youtube.

    I'm with you on Rust Never Sleeps as the best Neil Young album. Partly because it was the first one I really got into, but more importantly because it captures both sides of Neil's music with great examples of each. The My My Hey Hey/Hey Hey My My bookends are masterful and Thrasher and Powderfinger are among his

    Same here. To the Youtube!

    Walk and Talk
    It reminded me of that "Can you pat your head and rub your belly at the same time?" thing.

    Er….I should be Brenz. Dunno why it said I had to be JC.

    It probably didn't make it into the film because it was stupid. They sent out an email to summon everyone, and the King Vamp waits until the slaughter is half-over before personally arriving to protest. Click "Reply all," dude. That's all ya gotta do.

    Radio what now?

    Paper Dolls

    A suggestion, a kudos, and another suggestion.
    1. They really need to establish that Horn-Rim is concerned for his daughter's safety. Rather than only have six scenes per episode where they discuss her desire for independence countered with his sensible pleas for discretion, they should have at least a dozen.

    "Affleck's direction is not all that striking"
    And his acting never has been either, right? Isn't this just a guy with average acting skill and some luck? Is that why he plays insecurity so well?

    Oops, the video got scrapped. Google caving into copywrite-holder's demands yet again…

    Dane Cook
    OK, its official. Too many people have gotten on the Dane Cook sucks bandwagon, its time to jump on the Dane Cook is awesome bandwagon. So here I go… Somebody shit on the coats!!! LOL

    Song arc. . .Good, Better, Yeech
    A perfect example, at least to me, would be "Without You". Written by Pete Ham and Tom Evans and recorded by Badfinger, the original version certainly has a raw charm especially considering the tragic story that surround that band and the two writers.