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    haha…i see what you did there.

    I wonder why they started with "Gone Baby Gone". Granted you don't need to read books 1-3 to figure out what's going on, but it just seemed random to me that they start out toward the end of the series. That said, hopefully they make a movie out of "Darkness, Take My Hand". I think that's the best one in the

    "The Flamingo! The flamingo!"
    Also, when did Dr. Nick die?

    Should the stooges really be on here?
    Yeah, "The Weirdness" sucked and was a HUGE disappointment, but that was only one album (ok, the songs they did on Iggy's "Skull Ring" album sucked, too). Is it really fair to base a comeback on one (recent) album? I think I'm just hoping that they'll release another great album

    "Why does my chest hurt?"
    I appreciated the joke, too. If we're talking Taco Bell, you should see also: "Why is my colon working overtime?"

    So target
    is going to start selling tuxedos?

    I was going to respond with how liking Springsteen isn't just an "East coast thing", but then I realized that anyone who could come up with such a cutting zinger as "John Booger Mellonhead" probably does know what they're talking about.

    Why does the "More:" under the picture
    have "Ron Jeremy" and "James Franco"? Are they in this movie?

    Didn't Tony Kaye dress up like Osama Bin Laden and
    direct a series of acting lessons given by Marlon Brando (one in which Marlon appears in drag)? Or am I thinking of another director?

    I saw a sandwich documentary once
    I think it was called "A Sandwich for You". Anyway, they went someplace and there was a fried PB&J, banana, bacon, and honey sandwich.

    I think Springsteen said it himself best
    when he was asked about the criticism that he sings about working people who are struggling when he himself isn't one, "Do you criticize Martin Scorcese for not actually being in the Mafia?"

    I'm not sure if that's sarcasm (goddamn impersonal internets!), but, in case it isn't, he added that one on at the last minute since his personal assistant died recently.

    Also inevitable
    The umpteenth release of something his estate found in their vaults that hadn't been released before. I like Johnny Cash, but he's really only being rivaled Tupac and Elvis for posthumous releases.

    The dude
    I forget what the episode was, but he's reviewing a musical version of "Apocalypse Now" (called, I think, "Apocalypse Wow!"). The clip they show is Marlon Brando singing, "Look at me I'm Colonel Kurtz, fat and bald like old Fred Mertz".

    Fat like Fred Mertz
    But does he also shake eggrolls out of his fat rolls?

    I like the last line
    I'm a huge Boss fan, and upon first listen, I was really disappointed with this album. I think some of the lyrics are kind of labored, and "Girls in Summer Clothes" sounds more like a parody of Springsteen. I've listened to it a few times since, though, and I really like it. For the most

    That picture
    looks like he's parodying something. Even if he's not, it makes me laugh. If anything, it's better to look at than that gross Ron Jeremy picture that was up a few months ago.

    "blue happiness dot in the National Enquirer"

    Two others
    "Malena" (it does have a _somewhat_ happy ending)

    Are the Stooges in the hall of fame?
    If not, they need to be.