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    That Quote on the cover
    "'THE SCOUT' is the best comedy-fantasy about baseball ever made"

    But will he
    be fighting the evil version of himself (i.e. - David Hasselhoff but with a soul patch…I think he carried a cane, too), again?

    Don't be so quick to judge
    if you've never been on the receiving end of such hurtful zingers as:

    I like
    how it claims it's an "Academy Award Winner!", b/c of "Best Song".

    I wonder
    if those 2 New Yorkers go around giving that intense smoldering look.

    Off the top of my head, I nominate "Dancing in the Moonlight" by King Harvest.

    He used to be in the army?
    How can someone who used to be in the military come off as such a wuss?

    "Do you know what time it is?"
    "It's fuck time!"

    I like the "Becker" analogy
    Except when I saw the commercial for the third one (I haven't seen any of them and I actually thought it was the fourth one), I thought, "Man, alot of people must really like those movies."

    I think I read that quote before from Gene Simmons, but he was referring to his tongue. I guess it was a hit, and he decided to reuse it.

    Get out of my head!

    You know the screenwriters high-fived over the "cleverness" of coming up with this shit:

    I had my doubts when I first saw that picture somewhere else, but I really want to see this and "3:10 to Yuma". Hopefully this leads to more Westerns being made.

    How long
    before that Hispanic chick exclaims, "Ay-yai-yai!"?

    This was like listening to a preteen whine
    but this did make me laugh:

    That Cover…
    looks like it'd be the cover for an album that was released by "Mountain Dew".

    Does anybody know
    if they're going to release a special edition of "Never Mind the Bullocks"?

    Bob Dylan
    Agreed. If you've never seen or heard him live since about the start of the 90's, his delivery can take you off guard. I love Dylan, too, and I've seen him about four times live since 1999. Sometimes, it's incredible, but sometimes, I just want the damn thing to be over with.

    "Dragon Wars" is Korean?
    For some reason I thought Anthony Anderson was in it.

    Sounds like a funny premise
    but when they say "re-write", was this an already made movie and/or a comic book? I've never heard of this before.