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    I just watched this episode "On Demand" and had this issue. In fact, I read this review to fill in the gaps. It also had a commercial break earlier and when it came back, rewound to about 5 minutes before the commercial break. Good to know that a month later, they still haven't sorted their shit out.

    I think it's more likely that he'll say those are fake numbers.

    Toby Jones's

    What a bunch of clowns!

    Did anyone else like the 2nd season until it was revealed that Hanzee underwent extensive plastic surgery to change his race?

    "Oh, no! Not Chinx!"

    Great suggestions. While on the topic of Presidents and Candace Millard, I think "River of Doubt" about Theodore Roosevelt in the Amazon would also make a great movie.

    "Vampire Deacon Frost, the Stephen Dorff character from the movie who probably won’t be played by Dorff at the party…" - haha, this implies that he has something better to do.

    Hold up a minute - who hates "Home Alone"? Do these people also hate joy?

    So this is your passive aggressive way of letting know us that it was your birthday recently, and we didn't acknowledge it?

    "Heat" is a remake?


    So your friend apparently didn't understand that you were willing to pay money for that CD, which would have also gotten it out of the store?

    Apparently, when he comments on Internet stories that don't mention his latest album, he's TruthMachine3.

    "Kozelek says that—while they’re “nice”—the group is also “the whitest band” Kozelek has “ever heard.”"

    You didn't hear he died?

    That digitally aged photo looks like my girlfriend's father. He really is good at hiding in plain sight!

    The original. Also, does Gremlins II count?

    Halloween II?

    Quit humblebragging.