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    "Besides, that Tommy Lee has a giant dong. Doesn't that count for something?"

    "Smarties, yum, yum, yum!"

    You also forgot in your criteria
    Where a woman out of nowhere starts emasculating a man in bed.

    Are there any other
    good tv to movie adaptations?

    I laughed at the Oreo dessert commercial, too
    But you know which commercial is really, REALLY annoying? That one where the one guy raps about how he loves Chicken McNuggets while his friend beatboxes.


    By the way
    That was quite a rant. I couldn't really follow all of it, but then again, maybe I just don't "get" music. I guess I'll just go back to designing airports while day-dreaming of making slow, sweet lovin' to Bruce Springsteen…sigh…

    By the logic of Progesterous Rex
    Steve must REALLY be sexually attracted to Paul McCartney and turned off by Johnny Cash.

    I didn't watch the trailer, but
    if the song is "Iron Man", it's a lot better than Nickelback, who seem to be on every recent Marvel Comics movie soundtrack. Unless it's a cover of "Iron Man" by Nickelback…<shudder>…

    Damn you, universe!
    "50 Cent and some fans almost got electrocuted at a Saturday night poolside show in Las Vegas."

    I liked "Walk the Line" and "Cop Land" is one of my favorite movies. I don't think I've seen anything else he's done, but how does everyone else feel about his directing?

    "the last thing this needs is a bunch of vicars in tutus bouncing on trampolines"
    That would be awesome outside of the context of a pop/rock-based musical.

    Hopefully, this means the western is making a comeback.

    "crosstalk: does he still got it?"

    Edward Burns
    Has this guy ever directed a decent movie?

    Does anybody know if that new Brad Pitt movie about Jesse James is a remake of "I shot Jesse James"?

    So i guess
    Louis Gossett, Jr. would be considered another "Magical Black Man" in that series?

    aEver had a man smoke your pole?a
    "Oddly enough, I was asked the same question during my job interview with The A.V Club. I still donât know why."

    Pamela Anderson
    She wasn't willing to kiss him initially, but she was willing to wrap her lips around the likes of Kid Rock and Scott Baio? All of a sudden she's got standards…riiight…

    MYOF Suggestion directed by another "Seinfeld" writer/alumni
    Can you do "Masked and Anonymous" starring Bob Dylan and directed by Larry Charles?