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    This looks like
    it could be a remake of "Heartbeeps".

    is juliette lewis gonna be in this?
    like that Gap ad?

    Obviously no one learned
    from that "War of the Worlds" remake.

    "why do white people
    drive like this, and black people drive like this?"

    I just realized…
    I'd like to read this, but I wasn't raised with any religion. Therefore, I have hardly any knowledge of the Bible. Does the author assume the reader knows these stories already, or is there a brief synopsis of the stories before he delves into "separating fact from fiction" (i.e. - would I be lost?)?

    This sounds really interesting. Of course, there's always going to be people who take the Bible literally no matter what.

    Harold Ramis
    I forget where I read it (maybe "Time" magazine), but I remember Harold Ramis (sp?) saying once Bill Murray tackled a fan and started telling him, "I wanna bite your nose!" and tried to do it.

    You'd think this was too specific
    but somehow coolly walking away whilst something explodes has become a cliche'.

    The headline:

    That's just…weird…
    Speaking of tacky entertainment tie-ins, I knew a guy in college who acted "hard" b/c he carried the "T2" (or was it "Rambo"?) officially licensed knife in his car.

    That's hilarious. That reminds me of that scene in "Auto Focus" where Bob Crane (Greg Kinnear) has the TV in the bar turned to "Hogan's Heroes" so he can pick up women.

    I guess…
    I'm the only one here who liked the 1st two "Rush Hour" movies? I saw a clip of this one, and it did look horrible. At the same time, I really like watching Jackie Chan, and it can't be any worse than "The Tuxedo" or "Shanghai Knights" - right?

    This dialogue:

    He did "Red-Headed Woman" unplugged, and the rest of the set was electric.

    Nothing racist about what you posted.

    as much as i love dylan…
    his unplugged album was awful.

    "Are you sure we're supposed to laugh here?"
    Even the laugh track sounds like it's hesitating.

    Jason Statham
    He's really getting typecast as "guy who needs to drive around a lot".

    Did he…
    chase it away by blasting his "Coverdale-Page" album?

    Dragon Dynasty Recommendation
    "Police Story" starring Jackie Chan. That one has the stunt where he hangs off a bus with an umbrella.