snake plissken

I have a confession to make (and no, I am not trolling): I found Huckabee maybe the most likeable media intensive right wing nut job, and rather quick-witted in interviews. Of course here is no doubt that he and his views need to be disliked strongly, but I just wonder, is there anybody else who anonymously admits to

Let's be less obvious then …. I have seen S E Cupp only a few times (1.5 times on Bill Maher's show and minutes somewhere else) and yet the intensity of my hate is hard to match. I think she grew into the niche of saying right wing talking points while emphasizing that she is an atheist.

They also have (or at least had) a good porn culture in France. At least one full length porn per week Saturday night on the HBO equivalent (canal +). With classy introduction.
And at the newsstands, there were these photo journals reporting exclusively about new porn releases (that was in the mid 90s when there was a

This supercut leaves me strangely unsatisfied, and I don't know why. It is POV, but I somehow feel that there is no real climax.

A lot of my favorite movies break with these stereotypical patterns.  Take for instance the entire "Anal Intrud … never mind.

I think at this point, we have to think how we can further raise the bar in terms of perversion and gore.  There has to be some taboo to be broken, for the sake of future filmmakers.

I don't know him too well but I had a soft spot for him as he was pretty much the only one not taking any BS from Ali G. (just look for it on youtube, it's probably there).  However, it is less impressive once you know that his cantanerousness (cantankerosity?) is just geezer energy.

Great review.  I just want to add the well known fact that Wonder, when asked about the very beginning of Sir Duke, replied: That is fate knocking at the door.

Ho ho, nice civilized discussion going … but we lost track of the most important issue: Richard Dawson being a "noted atheist".  While I expect no proof for god nor for his/her nonexistence, I want some proof that this Dawson is a noted atheist.  You certainly don't find it easily with the Google.
Kinsey, did you in

But making him human takes out the evil cannibal genius mystery - Hannibal busy in the kitchen, cooking with his apron, getting a phone call, burning the food, cursing … I would like to see that, but noone else will.

Don't know whether all this is commercially viable, but there is always a chance for Human Centipede vs. Aliens.

All that civilization unraveling etc., interwoven with melodrama, don't we see that in a large variety of movies?  I wonder what the specific element is that would make this movie stand out from all the other average Hollywood fare?  Maybe GP's boobies?  But sick boobies are never as good as happy, healthy ones.

Invitation to lick ass is a well established German swear, to my knowledge since this Goethe piece came out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…
I always wondered whether this had anything to do with anilingus; I believe (in times of more sketchy hygiene) rather not.

Just saw parts face on/off on cable again … I have nothing against ludicrous action films, but that's just a turd. A visually stylish, shiny turd, I'll admit, but I don't understand how this movie got so many viewers and favorable reviews. My favorite line was: "sorry for shooting you daddy" (which of course at that

No no no, it's "the ultimate prey" as Ed Helms said so nicely in a Daily Show special report.

No, bad movie. And apparently, my standards are low enough because I found machete mostly entertaining.

Obvious gaffes
First, she should carry him on her back because her arms will get tired and MR will fall from the sky.

re. smugness, that's in the eye of the beholder. I find Gervais' jokes about religion (the ones that I have heard) rather low key and not offensive. But you should see my wife getting mad when Bill Maher starts talking about religion (about every 20 minutes of his show). I believe it's about feeling ridiculed … but

Dancing girl isn't more about dancing either.

Good comment, Rip.