Sense of humour is lacking in this one…
Sense of humour is lacking in this one…
@avclub-eb058ced22520c3a8f4e4a6e2fb16403:disqus : I can both understand and disagree with that reasoning, if only because I've had enough experience with people with various sorts of legal jeopardy hanging over their heads to know that fear makes people irrational, especially about things they don't fully understand,…
Did the show actually say they were patented? I just watched the episode and I can't remember. I saw that it was Intellectual Property notice, but there are other types of IP besides patents. The clones could be copyrighted, for instance, or considered a trade secret, or perhaps they're claiming industrial design…
You do go to jail for a friendly fire incident if you've actively covered it up. He said that he participated in his company's cover-up. That's the relevant part of his story, not the incident itself.
Just because a corporation seemingly wouldn't have the legal right to the patents doesn't mean they wouldn't put the IP notice in anyway on the off chance that a court would side with them should it ever come up.
I really appreciated (accurate or not) the fact they couldn't figure out it out because they were thinking about how it could have been done today. Then they realised that the code was made thirty years ago and they had to think about the limits to the technology back then. That's a little detail most shows wouldn't…
I actually don't think the term is cheesy at all. Creepy, yes, but not cheesy. What else would it be called? New Evolutionism? Novalutionism? New Bio-Utopianism? Neolution(ism) doesn't sound any cheesier and it has the merits of being a perfectly descriptive title (neo = new).
She had the babies in the UK, in hiding, gave one to the Church and one the State, and then she, alone, high-tailed it back to South Africa to hide out, because she apparently realised she was working for some scary-*** people.
Aynsley's behaviour is confusing? I grew up in a Midwestern American town. To me that's just what middle-class small town/suburban housewives are like, more often than not. Not surprising, considering that's an intensely boring existence otherwise, I would imagine.
His paramour got lupus, not cancer. They lost contact… I don't recall anything about her having died.
Never underestimate the ability of someone to have a genuinely bad accent. I've known Russian speakers who spoke flawless un-accented English and I've known Russians who I could barely understand because their accent was so thick. And I've known a gamut of Russians in between, some of whom you would swear were faking…
One way 'mirrors' only work when the observed space is very brightly lit and the observers space is dark. If the observed space is too dark, a person in it can see through the glass. Paul's office didn't strike me as bright enough, but maybe I should watch again.
Battlestar Galactica's "The Hand of God" from season 1 is, quite possibly, the only episode of any show I'd give an A+ to. Don't ask me why, there's no accounting for taste, even one's own.
Nearly all men can stand adversity; if you wish to test a man's character, give him power - Abraham Lincoln
How does setting foot on board a ship called Icarus not rate?
It's a shame the "Whale Probe" wasn't still around and on friendly terms. They could have just asked it to take a vacation through the wormhole and whispered that the Dominion really hates whales…
"I'm confused because the show is clearly not set in the UK and it
doesn't quite seem to be in the US, but most characters talk normal
English, so where else in the world could it be?"
Shooting is complicated. I can't hit the broadside of a barn with a handgun, but I was a good shot from my first day with a rifle.
It seems she'd be harvesting it for years, decades possibly.