
Her lackeys were also immune, I thought. I assumed those she deemed worth of survival but not crazy/dedicated enough to go along with mass genocide (before the fact, not much choice after) were the ones who got vacuum sealed.

There are quite a few people who feel Amy never ever had any characterization, though. I'm not one of them, I loved her and her development, but if they can't see it with Amy, I'm prepared to accept that I might be missing something with Clara. I hope so, anyway, because I really want to love her after her

Super normal other than having mad hacking skills artificially implanted in her brain. I don't think they've been removed, right? Just haven't had a chance to be relevant again.

While I didn't have a problem with Keith's reviews in general, I must note that the spelling error count, grammatical error count, and missing words count have all greatly declined. I at least appreciate that.

I like her, but at this point it's mostly residual love for her character in Snowmen. "Modern" Clara isn't that compelling, but we know the actress is up to it; it's just a question of when the writing is going to get there. I have faith.

I just sort of assumed the leech was just being a red poison leech and wasn't actually intelligent and any 'intelligence' that Mrs Gillyflower thought Mr Sweet had was all in her own sick, twisted, eugenicist, eschatological head.

As far as the Doctor knew they didn't have the right equipment. Their ammunition wasn't working, remember? He didn't know they had special Sontaran-proof ammunition along (otherwise known as deus ex machina rounds).

He arrived right time, wrong place. Since his friends knew Clara was dead, there wasn't any chance of new Clara meeting old Clara, though she might have run into the headstone. But that wouldn't be odd, we've already seen her at 'her' old headstone before, in modern London.

We are told what the red dye does. The dipping process was a diluted dose of the poison so that the people dipped in it become immune, but not all survive the process and there then 'rejected'. The ones who die evidently turn red for some reason.

In response to B, he is in every picture they found of her, except Victorian London Clara. It's a reasonable assumption on their part, I suppose.

Fear is the most powerful motivator there is.

I loved the food when I lived in the UK (3.5 years in Scotland). Of course, it helped that the best Mexican, best Chinese, best Indian, and best Thai restaurants I know were over there.

I'm hoping that this season has been mostly stand alone because it was more or less split between Amy/Rory and Clara, with neither half having the space to develop a good arc. Hopefully next season sees a return to a more cohesive arc, because this has been a bit rubbish. I've enjoyed all the episodes individually,

De gustibus non est disputandum.

Yes, Mr Ford's Twin hit it on the head, I think. Personally, I LOVE the mixing and matching, as long as the episode in question works within it's chosen 'theme'.

I've thought the last few episodes have been quite good. I loved Amy and Rory, but I was starting to get tired of them by the end of their run, so this is a breath of fresh air.

Mr Tusks, it's not just that he can't go back to that city and time. I thought it was rather clear that he can't mess with the new timeline in any way. So some people's idea that they could just hop up to Albany and he could pick them up from there wouldn't work, either, because removing Amy and Rory from their 'new'

Mr Tusks, it's not just that he can't go back to that city and time. I thought it was rather clear that he can't mess with the new timeline in any way. So some people's idea that they could just hop up to Albany and he could pick them up from there wouldn't work, either, because removing Amy and Rory from their 'new'

Oswin erased his memory from the Daleks. The Doctor realised that was a brilliant idea and set about erasing himself from everyone else's databases on his own.

Oswin erased his memory from the Daleks. The Doctor realised that was a brilliant idea and set about erasing himself from everyone else's databases on his own.