
This is the movie where I Fell In Love With Michelle P. I was on a date and apparently kept moaning and gasping so much when she would do something… roll her eyes, deliver a line, laugh… my date eventually elbowed me in the ribs and was quite irritated. No second date but my love for Michelle continues today. Damn.

"I tried to push her out of a window in Kansas City once." Genius. I wonder what happened to her, she was hilarious.

What's Up Doc? ! :)

hey!! So glad you covered this! It's one of my favorite films. I show it to people all the time, I even teach it in my film classes.. and people go NUTS over this movie when they see it. It's a joy to watch and accomplished in every way.

Great replies everyone. I understand how people find Nolan cold and distant. Somehow his movies creep up on me emotionally. This one really moved me at the end, as I stated. And the end of Inception always makes me choke up. But I do understand the criticism. It is my main complaint about Kubrick. Only "Paths of

I love this movie. it's quite haunting. And the essay is spot on. It's easily one of Pacino's best performances, given it can be easy to forget what a great actor he is because of all the scene-chewing in the last ten years or so. The same goes for Williams. Swank is so good at playing decent, good people, which is

The Verdict!! Brilliant.
Murder on the Orient Express. Beautifully done, a lot of fun.Long Days Journey Into Night. Devastating.Just Tell Me What You Want. Offbeat comedy that is impossible to find but has some terrific work in it by some great actors.

I love this movie. The scene between Lahti and Hill is incredible. I saw this in Grauman's Chinese with a packed house when the movie opened. By the end of the scene, you could barely hear what was being said, so many people in the crowd were openly weeping. Terrific work.

I could not disagree more vehemently :) I just discovered this guy… heard the new single from the new album on KCRW last week and went nuts. Then downloaded his last album and have been listening to it all week. Now I am all over the new album. Soulless? No %@$ way. And a scrawny white guy sounding like any variety of

While it has some definite script problems, the movie is quite scary due to really terrific directing by RZ. There are scenes that should not be scary at all, yet they are extremely nerve jangling because of his expert directing. I wish he'd start having a little more fun again, like this, Roger Rabbit, or even Death

"R.I.P.otus" Season 3 now, please.

I love this and agree wholeheartedly.

I love this and agree wholeheartedly.

Beautifully put. I actually waited tables on him once, back then. He was very quiet, very nice and gave off an electricity that made me feel like I was waiting on The President or some such. You could see that electricity in just those two small scenes in Body Heat indeed.

Beautifully put. I actually waited tables on him once, back then. He was very quiet, very nice and gave off an electricity that made me feel like I was waiting on The President or some such. You could see that electricity in just those two small scenes in Body Heat indeed.

I love this movie. Whatever it's flaws, it is gorgeous to look at, creepy as hell and often downright disturbing (some of the imagery is both beautiful and horrific). Additionally, is my favorite Mickey Rourke performance, which is saying a lot. He's wonderful in the movie, charming and empathetic, which makes the end

I love this movie. Whatever it's flaws, it is gorgeous to look at, creepy as hell and often downright disturbing (some of the imagery is both beautiful and horrific). Additionally, is my favorite Mickey Rourke performance, which is saying a lot. He's wonderful in the movie, charming and empathetic, which makes the end

I also thought this was one of the most tension filled episodes ever, so I am not sure I understand the 'B' or any bitching. I love what they are doing.

I also thought this was one of the most tension filled episodes ever, so I am not sure I understand the 'B' or any bitching. I love what they are doing.

I myself could watch en entire episode of Saul and Aileen chatting. Amazing writing and directing, those two have such wonderful chemistry. This will not happen, obviously! Just saying, is all. I loved their scenes last season and this episode was such a treat.