
Very fair discussion, given fans of the movie won't admit the movie's failures. One of which it simply is not scary, at least in a traditional sense. Kubrick famously hated people so he cut the two most powerful confrontations in the book: the final father/son confrontation, noted here. But in the book, Jack also has

I love Megan! She's easily the strongest woman they've paired with Deacon. Otherwise, nice write up. I love this show. (And I also hope Will remains… Chris C is terrific and is really kicking some butt with his music.)

"it probably won’t find that again until Brody is somehow written out of it"

Some designer somewhere decided this was the 'in' way for a website to look. The Daily Beast just ruined their website in the same way. Apple's new interface on the iPhone and iPad also did the same. I'm not sure who thought this all up but I've not encountered many users who like it.

I don't mind change, I want to be open, but it is a mess. No longer are the TV shows I have in my club easily accessible, the features of the day are impossible to find … in fact, everything is impossible to find. It's like by trying to make it flashy and exciting (and designed for a 3rd grader), you've made it very

I also really like this movie and agree it is Tony Scott's best. He toned down his silly excess quite a bit. And then there is Paula Patton. Oh my.


I'm a film prof and I teach this film every year. Save, as noted, the ending (though I dislike it for a different reason) it's a terrific movie. I disagree, however, that he is like the other characters. Dahl and Co. go out of their way to establish him as a uniquely moral guy, to make believable some of the tough

Oh and I will bring this up tomorrow when I watch with everyone else, but we still haven't found out who was feeding the rats to the zombies at the fence, seemingly to attract them in… or am I wrong?

Very late to the party (just watched) but I totally disagree about Carol. She has become a very strong character, and a strong woman. What a change she has made from the abused wife at the start. And you forget to mention she also does what Herschel did, potentially sacrifice herself in order to get water to the

I figured they might say something like that. But, yeah, it is not a good explanation. Mine works better :) Thanks for that update, I missed that.

Point well taken!

Love, love, love this movie. If you have not seen it, you must watch it. Heartbreaking indeed - and scary! Her performance is astounding as well.

And, yeah, it does seem a bit sad to me.

Well, it doesn't work for me for promotion. It has the opposite effect. I love this site but I must say this is the one feature that irks me a bit. And not just today because I like this particular song. There's something bothersome to me about, again, taking so much time and space to attack something that has done so

That's not quite what I said… AND I'm not bashing relentlessly on someone else's music. I didn't bash this guy's music, for instance. He may be talented, though this article would keep me from giving it a try. I just said it amuses me that he can spend so much time and effort on dissing someone else.

I'm sure this has been said but I am late to the party, just watched last night. As a huge fan of the show, I must say that this 'carrie and saul in on the plan together' doesn't work because of her reaction watching the senate hearings at home alone. Unless somehow she thought she was being watched? That is a huge

I like the song very much. Love the way it sounds. People who don't have hits who bash on hits are amusing. Does this sad guy's opinion really warrant this much space?

It's a huge shame you all stopped covering Nashville weekly… damn was this week terrific!!

I wish you were going to do it every week! I enjoy the hell out of this show, even when it is not totally in form. Great stuff, thanks. Connie Britton was also wonderful at her mom's grave.