
I myself could watch en entire episode of Saul and Aileen chatting. Amazing writing and directing, those two have such wonderful chemistry. This will not happen, obviously! Just saying, is all. I loved their scenes last season and this episode was such a treat.

She probably would have died anyway, so both would die. And in this world, some would say perpetuating the human race is of grave importance. Which she seemed to indicate as one of her reasons.

She probably would have died anyway, so both would die. And in this world, some would say perpetuating the human race is of grave importance. Which she seemed to indicate as one of her reasons.

Late to the party, just watched last night. I must say as viscerally thrilling and shocking as was the episode, I am also wondering just where they are going to go. Unlike any other trauma on the show, it is hard to see the reason for Lori's demise. Unlike many, I did like her. She was, if nothing else, one of the

Late to the party, just watched last night. I must say as viscerally thrilling and shocking as was the episode, I am also wondering just where they are going to go. Unlike any other trauma on the show, it is hard to see the reason for Lori's demise. Unlike many, I did like her. She was, if nothing else, one of the

I love he included THE INNOCENTS. Besides being unnerving as hell, Kerr truly is remarkable. It's an astonishing performance. While, like some readers, you can take the story as real, I find she conveys completely the alternate (and I think accurate) interpretation that the governess is sexually frustrated and a bit

I love he included THE INNOCENTS. Besides being unnerving as hell, Kerr truly is remarkable. It's an astonishing performance. While, like some readers, you can take the story as real, I find she conveys completely the alternate (and I think accurate) interpretation that the governess is sexually frustrated and a bit

The Terror is an incredible book. Scary sure, but devastating emotionally. What an amazing novel.

The Terror is an incredible book. Scary sure, but devastating emotionally. What an amazing novel.

"House of Leaves" gave me nightmares. Particularly as I lived in an apartment building in Hollywood very much like the one inhabited by the narrator. Quite a few of Mr. King's novels similarly freaked me out. Lately, his son, Joe Hill, has terrified me. 'Heart Shaped Box' is both terrifying and heartbreaking. And

"House of Leaves" gave me nightmares. Particularly as I lived in an apartment building in Hollywood very much like the one inhabited by the narrator. Quite a few of Mr. King's novels similarly freaked me out. Lately, his son, Joe Hill, has terrified me. 'Heart Shaped Box' is both terrifying and heartbreaking. And

All my favorite lines! I am a film and TV editor and I often say of a close up "Uh oh, Cleveland shot!" Truly one of the great screen comedies of all time.

All my favorite lines! I am a film and TV editor and I often say of a close up "Uh oh, Cleveland shot!" Truly one of the great screen comedies of all time.

This was terrific, thanks for recognizing such a terrific actor… But, um, you left out a little film called 'Tootsie', one of the best films ever made. Would love to hear his take on that.

This was terrific, thanks for recognizing such a terrific actor… But, um, you left out a little film called 'Tootsie', one of the best films ever made. Would love to hear his take on that.

Good guess!

Good guess!

Agreed.. am I mistaken or did they reference him as a Democrat last year? It went by fast in the middle of a ten hour marathon for me and I never went back and checked. I figured it was them creatively playing both sides of the fence, if so.

Agreed.. am I mistaken or did they reference him as a Democrat last year? It went by fast in the middle of a ten hour marathon for me and I never went back and checked. I figured it was them creatively playing both sides of the fence, if so.

And, I would add, he had such strong feelings toward Nazir's son Brody can justify a lot of this in his head. Particularly since the VP is such a dick. (Great perf by J Sheridan. I've never been that fond of him but he is perfect for this role.)