Bunk Moreland

It's weird that he's not looking at her, but instead at another hot blonde on the other side of the room.

Maybe you should just stay out of trees.

I thought the trick to removing a tongue from frozen metal was to pour warm water over both.

I saw that movie a hundred times at sleepovers when I was a kid and also knew all the words to the song. Have I seen that movie since 1990? No. But I still know all the words to the song. So hilarious that they used it here. Loved it.

By far not the most obscure thing he's been in on TV. He was in the (pilot?) episode of Stella on Comedy Central.

I like this show!
I haven't seen (or I don't remember) Ty Burrell in anything but this show, so I don't have any experience with his evil characters. That said, I thought this character was super gay when I started watching this show.

My family's much-loved taped-off copy of Back to the Future was missing the last ten minutes or so. It cut out right after Marty wakes up in the new 1985 but before he finds out his family is all new and improved. Consequently, my brother and I have the entire movie memorized up until this point.

I loved that scene with Ryan and his photography. Perfect douchey, creepy, fake-artsy pasttime.

Kitchen Nightmares UK is great. If you cut your teeth on that, the US version is slightly more enjoyable because you know that Ramsey truly cares about these people and their restaurants, and he wants to help them. But the US version just throws money at the problem and you don't get the sense that they're going to

Honestly, I thought it was supposed to be "Nose in Book".

Just Desserts
All banana scallops, all the time.

I keep forgetting they're not both named Bryan. One is tan and the other is Dudley Do-Right, but I call them both Bryan.

Gosh, this makes me feel better about my Lady Gaga- Pink- Christina Aguilera- Britney Spears workout playlist. I swear to god, I hate that shit off the elliptical machine, but it's 100% necessary to getting the job done.

It's between the Ron tossing the sandwich at his face and Andy either diving into the pit or angrily eating a carrot. All three made me giggle aloud out of nowhere in the gym this morning. People looked at me strangely.

The Hostility
Was it just the drive back from Nellis AFB that made Tom and Padma and Gail so outright bitchy during the confrontation with Laurine and Preeti? I did not understand why they were being so hostile and angry and clearly attempting to get them to incriminate each other.

Yes, douchebag Michael is much more set up to be the villain than Jen, who comes off as nothing but competent and professional.

"Can I say something, though, about the nature of tragedy? I think it is so sad. I think, like, by definition, tragedy is sad."
"I've never been a fan of tragedy."
"Like war!"
"I hate war too."

Ashley and Preeti are both hot.

I really had to warm up to Bourdain- he seems like he's always looking for someone to stroke his ego and keep his insecurity from running his life- but the more I watch his show, the more I like him.

I agree with Baalbuster- this should be a regular challenge on Top Chef, if this is all it takes to make a few grown chefs cry.