Bunk Moreland

"Piss off librarians"?  Phil Dyess-Nugent, you are a common ignoramus.  Who do you think fills library shelves with Sendak books?  Librarians do, because librarians love a good book.  And librarians hate censorship.  They fight it and end up fired for it.

Those aren't pigtails- they're braids. And that's what she would have worn. What do you want her to do, shave her head? Possibly in a scene following the death of her father, where she turns cold and angry, ready to get revenge?

An "Insemination Party" sounds pretty creepy. I would probably quietly defriend any Facebook friend who sent me an invite to one of those.

Interview with David Simon by Alan Sepinwall here: http://bit.ly/dpzPrr with discussion of the Sonny/Annie relationship. I thought he shed some light on the subject. Sure, I hated Sonny like everyone else, but it's easy to hate someone who is consumed with jealousy that he's not as talented as his girlfriend.

This is what he was in when he was bigger. This episode was filmed right before the season started, and John Goodman has lost more than 100 lbs since it was filmed.

Yes, that was Astronaut Mike Dexter.

I will also come out in support of Cougar Town. It has founds it legs and is surprisingly funny. I like it better than Modern Family. Is it Community? No. But it is ok. Andy and Bobby are the best parts, and they've given up on the cougar element almost entirely.

The first five series(seasons) are on Hulu, Todd! There is no excuse for you to have written this up and not watched those. Do your homework!

It was a really excellent show at a time when there wasn't a lot of depth to network dramas.

I saw this at a film festival recently, and I thought it was really good. I disagree that it doesn't paint anyone as a hero or villain. Katzenberg doesn't come off very well, for one.

I would absolutely date Rainn Wilson. So it's not that Dwight is unattractive physically.

Don Draper was great, but I rewound the vampire bit to watch it again… that shit was hilarious

I'm also looking forward to Pacifica, the Band of Brothers sequel or whatever. It's too much to hope that they will run Treme and Pacifica at the same time, isn't it? So that I don't end up subscribing to HBO for the rest of the year when I just want about 12 weeks?

Yeah, that David Cross. His five minute DVD commentary rant about Fox was by far the most offensive thing he's ever said in the history of his career.

A Kids in the Hall themed SNL show would be awesome. As long as we're doing this team-hosting thing, anyway. And if they got rid of the SNL writers.

Curves is "gym-lite" anyway. Also, you're supporting all kinds of evangelical Christian and anti-abortion causes when you join there. Better to just find a normal local gym and support them instead.

I have read the SNL book as well, and I know the writers/performers put in a few long days, but you will never convince me that they get even 40 hours of effort out of their hosts. Maybe 15, maybe, but that's including all the rehearsals and the show itself.

Murphy Brown should be on Lifetime.

Yeah, your wife's hating was misplaced. The joke was funny because it's not far from what Maxim does. It was not a politically incorrect joke, unless it's politically incorrect to hate on Maxim, which it is not.
