Bunk Moreland

Whatever. I agree with Murse- it was a Challenge. Has the guest judge on any other challenge come in and apologized for challenging the contestants before judging? Hell no. Restrictions, preferences, who gives a shit? It was much more annoying to listen to the chefs and the food critics whine through the whole

Enough with the Vegan Hating
Let's actually talk food. If it hadn't been framed as a bunch of vegan hipsters, and instead was "Make a Dinner Entirely Out of Vegetables!", it might have been more palatable to the chefs.

I'm looking forward to watching this solely because of your book, Nathan!

It's the Day The State Comes Out On DVD, and no one has sung the Bacon song in this thread?

I have to second the Pushing Daisies costumes. I would love to go around wearing half the stuff that Anna Friel gets to wear in that show- the big 50s skirts and matching hats. Love it! (I'm a girl, btw.)

I liked the Gummi Bear world from the animated series, but I have to admit that the Shire was the first place that popped into my mind.

I just want to throw out an honest thank you for this particular column. Just before each of the P-Funk and the West Coast G-Funk columns appeared, I had bought the two respective albums that were suggested as my own introduction into music that I already knew I liked but just hadn't properly geeked out about

As a photographer, it kind of pisses me off that he is so dismissive of the photograph used in that Obama poster. Yes, he did the graphic design work and the image is iconic- I have a copy of the poster, I love it. But it is not fair use, and yes, he should have licensed it because the poster is obviously made

I would totally watch an hourlong drama with her playing a hard-boiled cop. On NBC.

Holland Oates, MCA wasn't there… so the lighting on him was kind of irrelevant.

The inclusion of Adrock and Mike D was what made the charity song thing work for me.

Ron is written too much like Dwight. The line readings are different and the actors play them very differently, but they are written almost exactly the same with the exception that Ron doesn't want to work too hard and Ron curses more often. But the "number one favorite food… number three favorite food" might as

Ahmad Rashad will be 60 this year. Every time I see him, I have to repeat that to myself. Dude looks 35.

Yes, the Great Plains state of Idaho.

Ahh!!! That would be HILARIOUS!!

Sure, after the horse hunting you're bound to have some pony meat in the freezer.

Missouri in July is no joke.

I totally concur on the ending of Six Feet Under- I sobbed then, I sobbed later that night, I sobbed days afterwards when thinking of it.

I'll believe it when I actually see the shows playing on my television because the DVDs are working. I'm not sure I trust that MTV wouldn't sell me empty DVDs in a fancy box as a big fat joke.

Bullshit, Holoubek was in a ton of sketches all through the series. He donned drag a few times and played little boys a lot. He quit only after the series left MTV.