Bunk Moreland

I'm an actual lesbian and I didn't pick up on any of the so-called lesbian references throughout the show. But I can tell you that Janis Joplin was not gay. I am certain of that.

You are all Old. The Paper actually premiered in 2008, making it from "the past few years".

Scholarly publications about homosexuality were part of the sales rank ban, as were young adult novels and children's books (including the well-known classic Heather Has Two Mommies).

But I don't understand. For the first time in my entire obsessive obscure-TV-watching lifetime, almost everyone I know watches this show.

All of it works in syndication, from the perspective of having watched it all in syndication. Sometimes a show doesn't work if you're watching it live, over years and years, but it works fine on the every day at 5:00pm schedule.

Baby Mama was a total crapfest, in spite of its cast. I love Tina Fey, but she didn't write that crap and even her delivery couldn't save it. By far it was the worst movie that I sat all the way through in 2008.

Gordon Ramsay
If you watch the Brit version first, you can tell that he tries to do the same kind of wise, caring act in the American version, but it's obliterated by the editing and the ridiculous voiceover.

No, the changing taglines are new this season. Last season, the posters changed just a couple of times, if at all. This season, we're getting a new one every week.

I cannot get Carol Brown out of my head. Every day since it aired, I've been humming it. Good thing the video was so awesome that I can watch it over and over again, because I have this theory that listening to a song all the way through can alleviate 'earbug', so I've been watching it a lot. So far it's not

Here be beauty, there be… pie charts.

It was all about Shrek when I was a video store employee. And people just did not take "no, we have no copies of Shrek in stock" for an answer.

Bacon Bacon Bacon, I'm making the moves on you!!!
You're BACON!!

I was so happy that she did tofu for the Quickfire, and it turned out great!

It's ok. The lesbians will not miss you.

Well, if this is what it takes to get a vegetarian cheese pizza at Pizza Hut, I'm ok with it. My sister is a crazy coupon-hunter, and there are always coupons for Pizza Hut, but their use of beef fat in the cheese has up to now been a problem for me. Looks like the Natural pizza is beef fat free.