
I kept thinking about Dom holding in pee during the Whiterose tour.

Lady Mormont reminds me of Alia Atreides in Lynch's Dune: a wise and stern little girl who can rule and fight. I wish Tommen had a sister like her!

And then Falkor will save the day!

I was a very shy French country girl, too "masculine" (well people kept telling me to act and dress like a girl), so depressed and worried about everything. David Bowie came into my life through the Outside album in 1996, I saw him live the same year and he never left me. I adored him, he helped me so much. It was Ok

10 years ago, I fell madly in love with a man much older than me. He lived in Cambodia, I lived in Europe, we spent only one night together during one of his business trip. We wrote to each other several times a day until I missed him so much I went all the way to Cambodia to see him. The day I arrived, we met in my

That look on Hannibal's face when he realizes he's loved… What a great ending, what a great show!

Hannibal, those pyjamas really enhance your feminine side. And your cheeky side "I must behave myself"

I loved Hannibal uncaged, smelling the night like a beast excited by the forthcoming killing, picking up the scent of caged Will. Mads Mikkelsen is amazing.

I was playing The Lord of the Rings Lego videogame with my 8 year old nephew. And right after the Moria, all the lego characters were crying because Gandalf seemed to be dead. My nephew, still watching the screen, whispered " I'm feeling sad too". So I told him "Yeah… it's sad but don't worry, he might not be dead"

OPEN's wife is getting her power back, she's slimmer, sexier, and she's finally in control of her fun. OPEN may be worried about gossip but being "insanely jealous" sounds like the real problem.

Also, remember in season 2 when Claire broke into tears in David's arms right after the Gabriel disaster? "David I need help", she said, for Nate was unable to listen to her or perceive her distress earlier, eventhough he was the cool older brother.

I didn't bite my lips or clench my fists during the last 10 minutes of the show, I just cried like a lamb. Dancy and Mikkelsen were absolutely AMAZING.

Hey I believe you! I just hate jelly, tasty or not.

So Will is actually cooking gourmet meals for his dogs now? (Hannibal, the dogs say thank you.) Actually, I would rather eat this mince meat/bouillon/herbs/rice meal than the ukrainian aspic thing…

When I watch the finale scene, Randall dead on the table, killed by a stronger beast than him, I just hope Hannibal will honour him with the same tender care he would have had for Will.

I've never thought i would ever say that, but… Go Chilton!

I've never watched the cartoon as a kid but I've played a lot with the toys, 25 years ago. I was really pleased to recognize some of my favorite figures in the background! I remember there was only one female soldier among all my toys so she kept being kidnapped and sexually abused, poor thing. I would have loved

Good old Bill

If you have to start with one book, try "Legend of a suicide": it's so intense and so dark, it's an amazing read.

Yep… Very confusing indeed. I'm a shy girl but I'll jump in bed with the two of them in a heartbeat.