
I'm surprised that it's taken this long to be reviewed. I think that it's too low of a score for what's been a great season that could have easily been horrible, but at least more people will tune in after seeing this article pop up. Get to watching this A.V. Club readers, you won't regret it.

You upvoted your own comment? How tacky.

All I know is that besides this being a decent series, this continues to diminish my hope for a return of Southland in any shape or form.

Not every season can be a Luca season.

The A.V. Club turned into Buzzfeed so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Is the Marry Me pilot also going to premiere online?

So, thoughts on yesterday's Black Jesus?.

Rectify is also still not the top pick. The A.V. Club is dropping the ball.

I was wondering about this, too. Not even a mention of the series since its premiere. Considering that it's a half-hour series on Adult Swim, I thought that they'd surely cover it. It certainly deserves to be.

Everybody, go get ready for tomorrow's season finale of Utopia, an under-appreciated series with incredible cinematography on Channel 4 that has surpassed both Orphan Black and Sherlock. No need to worry about any reviews being uploaded late for the series, because there definitely won't be any here.

DON'T FORGET THE COMMA. - Kelsey Grammer

Are you from the past? How did you post this five days ago? I have so many questions!

I was incredibly disappointed with there being no scallops mishap, made me feel uneasy. Groom's fedora was also a tragedy.

This is going to be an even tougher selection than last year's.

I thought that this was a live version parody of Chozen.

Your use of hyphens is most excellent, bot.

The revolving writers shtick is starting to really grind my gears.

502, please.

I thought that this episode is worthy of an "A", it had everything. Terry Crews rapping, Steve singing with slight Oedipal vibes, and more musical numbers than there were jokes in tonight's Family Guy.

Don't worry about it, we'll get it back with community grading!