
We better get Gayle in the Belcher home/restaurant for a few episodes. I'd love to see what else the mind behind Gayle Force Winds is capable of.

Is Will still working with the FBI, or what exactly is going on with his employment status?

Alex's attempt at being "worldly" had me cringing the entire time (more so than the rest).

Nice to know that it ends well.

Good luck, Lauren. Your work on the show has been the stuff of wonders. Capable of having people everywhere watch a show on MTV for the first time in years and be more than decently surprised by the wit and humor of it. I'll be eagerly awaiting your next project, wherever it may be.

It looks like all the old writers did leave, so we're not even dealing with something equivalent to Community's season four, we've got an even worse situation.

Just as I thought, the awkard (har) mishandling of the show has led to a weaker season. Erin Erlich should have been the one taking the reins, considering that she wrote many of the previous seasons' episodes, but something seems to have happened behind the scenes.

I'm sure that the final season will be more than capable of pulling everything together.

About as much as you would expect for this season's Low Winter Sun.

I'm getting whiplash from last week's grade to today's.

And I thought that the community-grading feature was going to return. Life is cruel.

Rough stuff, this season is shaping up to be quite mediocre.

Fantastic finale. Good thing that we're guaranteed a second season.

I didn't know that eggs could sing.

Does anybody know the name of the song in the credits?

No grade? How progressive.

Captain Holt sure has gravitas.

Let's not forget the actors that, contrarily, seem to disappear afterwards.

Good thing it's not on TV, it's on HBO.

Damn you, Olympics, for taking away most of my precious shows away from me just for your inferior winter version.