Just Tim

How is Patton Oswalt in two of three photos for this but not listed on the cast?

Second half of ASOS Spoilers:

He was.  I don't think Bran was awake yet though.  Jon comes to say goodbye to the still-comatose Bran, and Cat is still keeping vigil.  She's pretty nasty to Jon

Sounds about right.

Yeah second on the nice catch with Sam and Gilly's conversation being relevant.  Good job. 

For the show, I got the sense he recognizes the dire wolves.  I mean they're pretty uncommon creatures.  I thought the show showed him looking surprised for a second at the wolf eating that one guy's throat, and the reacting to the sound of the second wolf taking down another guy.  The fact that there's two I would

I like the idea of the North bringing her back, but SPOILER Beric revives her at the cost of his own life.  She then leads the BwB in his place.  We find this out from Thoros, who is questioning whether they've gone astray of their mission without Beric and under Stoneheart's, well, heartlessness pursuit of revenge.

Haha I can say as a reader awaiting the violence I knew was coming, that brutal stabbing of Talisa totally knocked down my defenses.

Yeah good short answer.  I guess just to add something on Cat.  There's a sense that you need to do the resurrection relatively close to the time of death for better results.  Like in the show, they do a nice job of having Thoros immediately rush to Beric to bring him back, wasting no time.  Cat is dead for some time

Good question, but I'm not sure it's really an issue of being allowed to marry Sansa off.  They can just do it as formality to the bedding, which is really what matters.  Tyrion is so pressured to bed Sansa because then she's (a) not a virgin and (b) probably pregnant.  After that, there'd be no point in trying to

In a way, yes.  I think they're pretty comparable, but two points to support the book being more "horrifying":


Nicely done.  Never made that connection.

On Melisandre and the leech ritual: I really liked the way it was done on the show.  It's been a while since I read the actual chapter from the book, but its meaning just felt a lot clearer on the show.  One of the things I like a lot about TV Melisandre and TV Lord of Light followers in general is the way their

In her defense, the blood pressure would've been pretty high in that region at that moment.  Also, just a nice assertion of dominance by Melisandre during that whole scene.

Wow I wasn't sure I'd ever see someone reference The Anniversary again on the internet.  I still listen to tracks from Designing a Nervous Breakdown and consider the band/album one of the few acts to survive my high school emo phase as a lifelong favorite.

Fair enough.  I like the idea of Yara's reaction and the kingsmoot storyline set-up.

Yeah I like that phrasing.  Isn't Roose always commenting that "the boy's blood is corrupted" or something leechy like that?  Once Roose makes his (pretty good) play for dominion of the North, he's definitely trying to stabilize things with his bannermen but Ramsay is certainly a liability there like you said.  The

He dies after Mel's ritual with the leeches.  Stannis leeches Edric with leeches, throws them into the fire saying Robb, Balon, and Joffrey (the three false kings).  Enter Red Wedding, bridge slip, and Purple Wedding.

Sort of going along with what Gumbercules said, I think Joffrey's efforts to eliminate Bran were one of a string of terribly executed, monstrous decisions he undertook on his own authority.  Joffrey is always a little shit, but I think these things are meant to show you what a monster he truly is, and why people would