
That must have been exhausting.

Ending of Rocky IV: Rocky defeats communism.
Ending of Rocky V: Rocky beats up a couple guys in the street while a priest cheers him on.

I'm partial to Roast Beef's apology cards.

Dog shit deserves better than the Post.

James McNew sleeping on a dog bed in the other room makes SO MUCH SENSE.

I, too, will always sleep under at least a sheet. If it's hot, I'll stick my feel out the bottom and fold it down to my waist, but I feel weird sleeping unless my pelvis is covered up and, wow, I've never really thought about how strange that is.

That long tracking shot of Dean and Rory making their way through the dance is one of my favorite moments of the show ever.

It seems unlikely that Harry Carey's character in Mr. Smith was actually the Vice President of the US, since the VP only actually presides over the Senate on rare occasions. He was probably the President pro tempore.

Is he the romantic lead?


Ke$ha's only 3/4 as good as Ke€ha.

I think you learned an important lesson about thinking things.

With all the people who know people who once knew somebody named Shithead, you'd think that would be the most popular name in the country by now.

GOD that is SUCH a reductive fucking attitude @avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus I really CAN'T BELIEVE you would say something LIKE that.

It had toilet plungers! TOILET PLUNGERS!

Gothic Castle?

I can't read that phrase and not hear Johnny Gilbert's voice in my head.

Listen, I love typing the word "Boston" as much as anyone, but Live by Night takes place mostly in Tampa, Florida.

Do Ents fuck, or do they reproduce through pollination? Maybe Peter Jackson can devote a couple hours to this question.

Careful what you say about Puff Daddy. He'll fucking bite you.