
You could call them Miller Killers!

More K&G suit commercials, please!

Paddling your own canoe? That's a paddlin'.

You're being far too obtuse for me to understand. Dumb it down a shade, please.

Oh, awesome! I completely did not make the connection that this was the same Sarah Haskins. Looks like I'll be checking this out after all.

I just got a Community notification . . . from the future!

FXXX got the boobies.

Whoops, everybody! Looks like we had this all wrong. Thanks for setting us straight, dude!

Bill Cosby's The Jello End Theory is a stone-cold classic.

I thought it was lazy how he ended every boast with "…but you don't have to take my word for it."

No, you're thinking of a dro.

@avclub-42763705844bf5e2af4abd6c898f8dcb:disqus , not a fan of the Goldberg Variations?

I always thought it was suspicious that Zapruder demanded 40 takes before he was satisfied.

Yeah, this article from last year goes into a lot of went wrong with John Carter's marketing. Stanton didn't plan ahead and have a bunch of big special effects finished in time for the teaser to be cut, he didn't want Pixar to be mentioned for fear it would drive away adults, and he was such a fan of the character

I'm kind of disappointed that the awards for technical categories don't get televised. I'd really love to see Peter Andrews and Mary Ann Bernard's acceptance speeches for Behind the Candelabra.

I think I've read that it's safer to back into spaces rather than back out of them. When you back into the space, you have a mostly unobstructed view of your path into the space, even if takes a little longer and holds up traffic. When you're backing out of a space, on the other hand, you probably have two cars on

Getting paid for landing on Free Parking is so completely foreign to me. Didn't you always start your board games with someone reading the rules out loud to the other players?

My late grandmother used to have a photo of me and all of her other grandkids that was taken in her backyard when I was about 5. I remember that someone had given me a package of Bonkers earlier that day, and in the picture I was clutching them like they were the most precious thing in the world.

And now it has been redubbed the Big N Tasty.

Alternately, he could move to Oklahoma and just live in his aunt's house.