
@avclub-6b8aa777ed70e7f15a45947a0f0c5986:disqus  has mentioned Community in a comment.

If I were you, my first suspect would be Frank Costanza's lawyer.

And then perhaps a movie.

Park That Recreation
Rock 30

@avclub-e77c7b588569860fddcbe6e3d528295d:disqus , will you eat that there snack cracker in your special outfit for me?

So you're saying that by hanging around the theater until the credits are finished rolling, I have gained all the benefits of a degree in film?  Or do I also have to be able to work the phrase mise en scene into casual conversation?

A wizard did it.

So you were basically a 12-year-old Sistah Souljah?  Did Bill Clinton condemn your remarks, too?

Not me!

Erik forgot to tell us that this was the greatest week of his life.

Remember in High Fidelity, when Jack Black's character dismisses Belle and Sebastian as "sad bastard music"?  Well, silly me, I took him at his word and so was mightily confused when I heard "Step Into My Office, Baby" or "The Boy With the Arab Strap" and had to reconcile the fun, poppy songs with my preconceptions.

My old lady is on the floor, man!  I am not S-ing around!

There might even be a cameo from The Office's absence of laughter!

I fear it would be a terrible strain on the animators' wrists.

So that was really David Blaine?  My first assumption was Fred Armisen in a fake beard.

I'll bet the writing staff of The Simpsons is kicking themselves for not coming up with a Greek restaurant called Achilles' Meal.

That's why I exist?  Man, that shaman at the top of the mountain was way off.

He really is terrific.

Yeah, my mother would NEVER tolerate a TV Guide being sent to our house (she also made us turn off the TV after Jeopardy because Wheel of Fortune was asinine) so the TV magazine that came with the Sunday newspaper was my source of information.  I'd read the movie listings every week to see if anything good was on; the