
If this guy isn't Lobsters, then he is the is the most convincing Lobsters tribute band that I have ever seen.

I'll never forgive the AV Club for forcing me to read this informative, well-written article.  Those motherfuckers.

If the Community audience starts to watch it, maybe CBS will go back and re-cancel it!

What about ranking things?  And expressing our collective interest or disinterest in fornicating with various celebrities?

*walks out*


For me, doing someone like a crossword would always end with a few pesky slots that needed to be filled.

Ruben Blades, how does he work?

@avclub-9ed1c7f5119e63bbe64f80fa787924b2:disqus : if Parks and Rec starts getting 5,000+ comments each week, then sure.  It'll be you, me, Leslie Knope Headlines, and the five dozen other people with Ron Swanson avatars.

"Maybe she called!  [Holds banana to ear] No messages."

Let's not forget the many jokes featuring a certain banana-shaped retail establishment.

The awkward way that the Dean quickly asked Troy to join the Air Conditioning program just as he was leaving was an uncomfortably accurate depiction of my lady-wooing technique.

One thing's for sure: he's up to his waist in hot snatch.


They really need to split this comment section in two like with the Game of Thrones reviews.  Maybe commenters who have a Community avatar or username could get their own review.

*NFET/amagzz shippers go wild*

Jenna's Nautical Misadventure of the Week: Getting pushed off of a boat by Quincy Jones.

You know who should apply for this job?  My friend Rosemary.

We could finally learn @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus 's real name!

Just remember that "helicooter" is consistent with AV Club house style.