
Don't they assign "Richard Cory" in schools anymore?

Also the voice of Joe Jack, honey.

Something like that happened to my dad once.  He was driving to work with low blood sugar and didn't get off the highway at his exit.  Luckily, my uncle happened to call him, realized something was wrong, and was able to talk him through getting off the turnpike, finding a store and eating a candy bar.  If it hadn't

Four Brothers
Scary Movie 4

You know how I can tell that I'm a boring-ass adult?  Because I need to replace or repair my dress shoes on an annual basis, but I have a pair of Chucks that are still in decent condition despite recently turning 7 years old.

How did he climb all the way up the World Trade Center if he was carrying a train in one hand and not-Jessica Lange in the other?  I'm starting to question the internal logic of this giant ape movie.

Am I the story of the Negro in America?

You know what I watched when I was a kid and wanted to see a giant ape running amuck in New York?  The original King Kong.

The Letter is one of the rare films noir (did I pluralize that right?) where the concessions to the Production Code make me like it less.  It's almost funny how they rush to punish the criminals and sinners in the last scene.

[Puts on mace-proof goggles]

Forget Parks and Rec; American Question Time would end up like those Health Care Town Halls from a couple of years ago.

Sesame Street also seems to attract sponsors who don't advertise anywhere else.  Think about it: when was the last time you saw a commercial for L, X, or the number 6?

I'm going to go one step further and say that putting Community on hiatus might have improved its chances for renewal.  If NBC had left the show on the air these past couple of months, they might have looked at the low ratings and decided they might as well cancel it, because surely they could find something else that

Koski was right about Ghostbusters.

Hey, everybody!  I found the guy who made them put Community on hiatus!  Let's get 'im!

NBC comes to bury Community, not to renew it.

[@avclub-c7b2c9e154d34106802caf55a7ee5c2f:disqus  picks up prosthetic arm]

Are You There Chelsea seeks to answer the age-old question of whether she there is Chelsea.


I'm gonna feel up an X-ray technician.