

Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show's called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they're going to make more shows. Some pilots get picked and become television programs. Some don't, become nothing.

And especially when they are Yee Yee.

EDIT: Lookit me, the guy who thought he'd be the first to come up with a Dave Mustaine joke!

Hey, I remember it too.  I didn't watch it, but I know its first season was critically praised but low-rated, so they retooled the second season to cut down on that pesky serialization.

To be fair, every celebrity has already been on The Simpsons.  How else do you explain a Julian Assange guest spot?

I've always wondered why the characters on 24 never noticed that something terrible would always happen around 50 or 55 minutes after the hour.

But what is the relative quality of the veal?

Notification: "Doings transpiring" was mentioned in an article.

That does it, @avclub-9079ea527e08a24dfad44e3302d5f091:disqus : you are UNINVITED from my birthday party!

@avclub-d80126524c1e9641333502c664fc6ca1:disqus , a few years ago when I was in the habit of recommending How I Met Your Mother to people, I actually did describe it as being a lot like Coupling.  Glad to see I wasn't necessarily talking out of my ass.

My rule is that if I'm watching a syndicated Simpsons rerun and the couch gag is longer than 15 seconds, I should just turn it off.

@avclub-c871d4ba38c83e9b1642f02872f7ef2f:disqus , I'm always amazed to look at episode reviews on snpp.com to find people who thought "Last Exit to Springfield" and "A Streetcar Named Marge" were mediocre episodes.  I want to steal a time machine to tell them "You fools!  If you only knew what horrors awaited you in

I don't remember the conservative outcry against Welcome to the Neighborhood.  I thought the biggest issue with the show was that it was possibly violating Equal Housing laws, in that the neighbors were choosing to exclude potential homeowners based on race or sexual orientation.

A lot of my friends were big fans of Coupling, but I could never really get into it.  That said, the show was certainly innovative, and I think a lot of current single-camera sitcoms owe it a debt.

That's bullshit; if I wanted to learn something I'd go back to gunsmithing school.

Someone should make a Todd VanDerWerff doll that says "Wasn't picked up to series" when you pull a string.

Where's Wallace at?

I think Rihanna dropped (or is it lifted?) the restraining order couple years ago because it was essentially keeping Chris Brown from attending any awards shows at which she would also be present.

@avclub-d892cfee412f049ca3da7ada13bcf9ff:disqus : not if you actually mean it.