Perfect Tommy

Hey, BIG JERK, they only used to be skinny. According to the NY Times, the new hipster accessory is a paunch.

People in California don't get sarcasm; they just think you're being mean. Misunderstandings based on that alone should be good for half a season's worth of scripts

Are you advocating Christianity or Buddhism, because the whole abandon your self thing sounds Eastern to me?

I saw My Big Fat Greek Wedding with my mom. She enjoyed it. That is all.

Better that than a bizzare gardening accident that's really best left unsolved, right?

Well, if you're going to put it like that, TomWaits, are we sure that it's the fault of the convicts rather than the Irish?

He gets cold easily. The poor circulation must trump the insulation.

Yes, Fritzy, hence the staring.

I'm generally indifferent to celebrity sightings, but I will confess to being pretty psyched when I was seated a couple of tables away from Liv Tyler at the Spotted Pig. I think I refrained from making a total ass of myself, though I couldn't help a few poorly concealed surreptitious glances (read stares).

It's coming soon. How about you hold your breath until it releases?

Totally agree; Perfect From Now On is a great album. I saw them play at Irving Plaza a couple of years ago and they were awesome live.

Sixth Dimension? Oh, god, here we go again.

Agree, teh dude. Bob's Donuts on Polk Street in San Francisco is like that. Sometimes I would go in there to get some sustenance before starting the uphill trek back to my apartment. Good donuts.

I think the DeGrassi market is the perfect demographic at which to aim alcohol marketing. Gotta start developing that brand loyalty early.

Oh, Lemur, how right you are. Fuck Magnolia Bakery (well, mainly its cupcakes; its banana pudding is pretty tasty).

Arsenio, got any more info or a link about that Glenn Beck thing?

No music, only podcasts
I am a reasonably committed runner, and I don't listen to music when I run. I find that the rhythm of the music interferes with the rhythm of my breathing and stride. On long runs, I'll sometimes take my iPod and listen to a Radio Lab or This American Life podcast. Those shows are really

Ha, gotcha, Jim!

I hate the Coen brothers. Every movie they have ever made has sucked.

Urge to kill rising.