Thanks a lot, CN. I hadn't clicked on them until I read your comment. Now, I think I'm actually dumber for having looked at that Kid Rock cruise website. And, has anyone realized that it's sold out?
Thanks a lot, CN. I hadn't clicked on them until I read your comment. Now, I think I'm actually dumber for having looked at that Kid Rock cruise website. And, has anyone realized that it's sold out?
Good luck with your job search.
We had co-ed dorms, so I didn't have to deal with the "no girls in the dorms after 11" thing except at boarding school. And it wasn't really a practical problem for me there because the list of girls who wanted to go to my dorm room was short.
TWfS: That is not okay, man. I need some mind bleach to get that image out of my head.
We used a towel, not a tie. Every college student has at least one of those.
I've finally taught my mother not to send me email forwards.
You're looking for more than commendable boobs? So demanding.
Also none. Once I was on a plane and Because I Said So was playing, but I couldn't hear any sound and I was asleep through it. I did see some images when I periodically woke up and changed position, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count.
Fritzy-poo, have you ever had a properly made Brandy Alexander or one of its many delicious variations? I guess it should really be made with cream or half-and-half, but in a worst case scenario whole milk would do. See also, white russian. Mixing dairy beverages can be fun and tasty.
I have thankfully managed to avoid every movie on that list, with the caveat that I saw some images from Because I Said So without sound when it played on a flight that had communal rather than individual screens.
@ Mr. Takes Everything. . .: Jane Austen's books are in the public domain, what with her having been dead for a long time and all. They are available for free on So the writers/publishers of these mash-ups have no reason/obligation whatever to ask her permission or share any proceeds. Copyright…
"the Wendy's in the hospital "
I got through about 30 seconds. I don't think I got to the drowning dolphins part, but I can probably live with missing that.
Regular G: You are right getting people to question the source of information would do wonders for modern society. That goes back to my original point about accountability. It's much easier to say McDonalds told me it was okay to eat this stuff so it must be their fault that I'm fat than to ask why McDonalds told me…
@ Regular G: No doubt accountability extends to everyone. Why the fuck do CEOs who lose shareholder money get multi-million dollar bonuses instead of a pink slip? And you're absolutely right that many corporations are aggressive at best, deceptive at worst. But, that doesn't excuse consumers from doing a little bit…
Same thing we all do: surf the internet and comment on boards.
Too right. Several reputable style guides have been saying this for years. See, e.g., here:
You can boil down what's wrong with America to this: failure of accountability. No one wants to be responsible for the consequences of his decisions, thus: McDonald's made me fat not my decision to eat there too often; you should modify the mortgage I can't pay on the house I couldn't afford in the first place; I…
My ex-girlfriend's name is Wendy. God damn it!
So, I take it Diabeetus is not a fan of David Niven (or Woody Allen).