Mr. Black

I think my issue is just a slight timing thing with the editing. He's in that secure state a few frames too long for it to look connected to Beast's swipe. At least that's how it looks after Zapruder level analysis. If his hand does slip independently of Beast's swipe, it sounds like poor masonry might be the ultimate

I still have trouble figuring out exactly how Gaston dies in the animated version, and I've spent an embarrassing amount of time watching it in slow motion to try to make sense of it. He's holding onto the ledge, Beast swipes at him, he's still holding onto the ledge, then he just lets go and falls to his death. Great

I went through a similar existential crisis with Predator 2 a year or so ago, but youtube confirms it did in fact exist. I rented it a few times and remember it being sort of fun and extremely gory for a 16-bit era game.

You and me both.

I have your baby in me, giraffe!

"Best Picture" is really more of a concept. She's moved beyond our workaday physical reality entirely. It's no longer correct to say "Emma Stone is…" because she doesn't exist as we understand the word.

I thought Beatty clearly knew it was wrong and showed it to Dunaway in a "we've got a situation here" sense, not a "read this!" sense. She was there to finish the job if Beatty got wise.

I thought that dude was very visibly trying to overcompensate for his blinding rage by announcing it before anyone else could.

How many people, other than friends and family, would go to see an autobiographical one woman show performed by an unknown, unemployed actor? Better email etiquette could have made a difference, but it would be measured in 1/1000ths of a person.

Pfft, Pitt the Elder.

When I was about 13 I fantasized that when I turned 18 I was going to go to the local pornography shop and purchase piles of porn. In those 5 years, the internet changed the porn industry forever, and so actually turning 18 was meaningless.

Blockin' the actors for the school play? Oh, you'd better believe that's a blockin'.

Or you could declare war on the Pope's enemies. The sky was the limit in those heady times.

True. Or your cousin, provided you got special permission from the Pope first.

Curiously the Disney version amps up the Stockholm Syndrome elements by making Beast initially so cruel to Belle. Part of the point of the original story is that the Beast is ludicrously kind to Belle from the outset. In the 18th century upper-class society the story came from, a woman consenting to marriage wasn't

Zelda II was my first Zelda, and as such will always have a special place in my memory. I loved that the world actually felt like a "real world" (by 8-bit standards) and the graphics remain fantastic for a game from 1988.

It's a bit much because it implies that he's capable of enough shame to realize he's failed and fall into a depression. Most likely his impeachment will result in a "I never wanted to be your DUMB president ANYWAY!!!!!!" tweetstorm.

Crap, I have a time machine, but it requires one knife to run.

Sort of. He's definitely Vlad III, but the first one to use "Dracul" was his father, Vlad II, who was made part of the Order of the Dragon by the Holy Roman Emperor. Vlad III was never part of the Order, but used his father's title for PR purposes (and who in their right mind would pass up the chance to call

If only he'd turned over this new leaf years earlier.