Mr. Black

Pffft, Pitt the Elder.

Just finish us off you cowards!!

Everything's fine? We're all still here. Our AV Club inside jokes will last forever, unchanged. We can still make jokes about Emma Stone being white.

But we saw Bran several times after that, interacting with undead Uncle Benjen in a fairly warm, human manner. Even when he time traveled to witness Ned find Lyanna, it was presented as a kid wanting to learn more about his father.

The only thing that stops a bad guy banging his relative is a good guy banging his relative.

I also have a hard time believing Bran's transformation altogether. We had several episodes with him after he left the Three Eye Raven where he was a normal human. Did touching the tree at the end of last season completely remove his humanity while all his other visions didn't? The whole characterization seemed to

This is one of the saddest parts of the Trump presidency for me, the realization that a huge chunk of the country just genuinely idolizes stupid people. He didn't trick them into thinking he was competent or smart or cultured, he ran as a barely literate boor and people worshiped him for it.

"You know, Twin Peaks cast, if you're not careful, you're going to lose me."

Regardless of how one feels about his feminism or lack thereof, I can't help but laugh at how immediately the site turned on him. Like, no transition, no gradual buildup.

It's been sad for me to realize, via the internet, how prevalent nerd-racists and nerd-misogynists really are. Growing up as an oft-bullied nerd, I once assumed it naturally made you more empathetic to others' problems. Seems, if anything, it's more the opposite.

Though I don't post here often, I've been lurking here for long eons and can say with total honesty that my life has been improved immeasurably reading everyone's insightful opinions and timely Simpsons quotes. I'm amazed at how many comments some of you have racked up, and more amazed that 90% of them are informative


Yeah, pretty telling that fighting for the South didn't matter so much if you weren't a proper white supremacist. Every single slight misfortune in the war somehow became 100% Longstreet's fault.

It indirectly played a huge role in the war, since the immediate cause was the question of slavery in the territories. I guess they're still mad they didn't get that slave money.

That's why his statue at Gettysburg is 6 feet tall, hidden in the bushes, and built in 1996. Because Southerners care so much about honoring their history.

That's actually the best Myst pitch I've ever heard.

I'd say "Lincoln would've done better than Johnson" is about as close to a fact as conjecture can ever get.

God, I am so sick of liberals constantly condemning Robert E. Lee, only to praise Ramesses II in the next breath. Just once I would like to go an entire day without some latte-sipping liberal coming up to me and rubbing the Battle of Kadesh in my face.

If they insist on Confederate statues, we could replace them all with James Longstreet, probably the highest ranking Confederate to turn his back on the cause and call out Lee as a bad general. Lost Causers hate him even more than they hate Union leaders.

No thanks, I'm good.