Mr. Black

I noticed Sam said Bran spent "years" beyond the wall, which doesn't quite mesh with the baby's age, but I think it was the show's first direct acknowledgement of how much time is supposed to have passed at this point.

I think there have been about 50 times during the course of the show where I've thought, "That's it, Jaime is fed up with her for good," and then he just goes crawling back the next episode like nothing happened.

I'm hoping that was at least one of the forbidden books Sam snuck out at some point, not that it was available to all this entire time. But I guess it's not the Citadel's deal to share knowledge with people.

Nah, name your kid Dickon and you're guaranteeing they live on and on and on in a state of perpetual misery.

If that's the way the wind is blowing, let it never be said that Ted Cruz does not also blow.

Glad you've moved on from just luring everyone into the hippodrome…I guess.

OK, OK, that does it. Saying this is probably going to get me banned but since this is all going away anyway I'm finally going to stop censoring myself: I would much prefer it if, rather than Trump, someone else had been elected president.

I loved the first two Arkham games, but for some reason it was Arkham Knight when it dawned on me that Rocksteady had reduced Batman to little more than an angry punch-thrower. I guess "punching things overcomes thoughtful planning" has always been part of superhero mythology, but something about the way the game

Yeah, I think the mania started around Romeo + Juliet, which was also wildly popular among teenage girls at the time. By the time Titanic came out I remember already thinking "Ugh, not this guy again."

What's arguably worse is realizing you don't have such vivid memories of the past anymore. I can recall as recently as a few years ago thinking 1997 was one of my favorite years, but reading this today I find a lot of the memories have faded beyond recognition.

Heh, heh. My fondest memory of that game is discovering that the ion cannon could disable ships without destroying them. I would call my best friend from high school to play online, disable his ship, then just fly around him until he got so angry he signed off. When he asked what weapon I was using, I refused to tell

I don't know that they should have been executed, but maybe the leaders shouldn't have all been allowed to continue in powerful government positions in the South?

It sort of reveals a sad truth about how the country has evolved since then that names for the war are all super neutral or pro-Confederate. It's not like northern schools go around calling it "The Great Slaver Rebellion."

They have pretty solid Waffle House coverage.

If Lincoln had just stuck with Hannibal Hamlin for VP, or had been assassinated a few weeks earlier so Andrew Johnson never took over, the country would probably be 5% better today.

A Confederate victory might have been possible with intervention from Britain or France, but that would have quickly turned into a British or French victory. It would have led to a world that looked very different from typical "What if the South had won?" scenarios.

Slytherin wouldn't let this guy in the door.

Wait, that's not possible? I'll be honest, I have a lot of eggs in the time machine basket right now.

Clone High got me through some of the toughest times in my life. If it turns out they did something…nope, not going to consider that. I'll live in that world when I have to and not a moment before.

Yikes. The odds of this not being a disaster after losing directors this late in the game are approximately 3,720 to 1.