Mr. Black

The thing is there's no accepted standard of what constitutes a lick. Solve that problem and we could have the answer in moments.

Pfft, the man never made an "Easy D" joke in his life.

Your girlfriend is the best of us all.

Maybe he did like it, but in existing records he never uses it to refer to himself. I would say that since the "Dragon" order where the Dracula name comes from was about service to the church in fighting off the Turks, calling someone who wanted to promote themselves as a holy warrior an impaler instead would be seen

You've heard the expression "Let's get busy"? Well these are vampires who get bizzay! Consistently and thoroughly.

"Tepes" means "the Impaler" and "Dracula" is the name he got from his father, so Dracula is more like the modern surname. Historically speaking they shouldn't even be in the same name at the same time, since "Tepes" was an insult and not what he called himself.

A lot of times when I rented terrible games I would blame "insufficient instructions" for my problems. Instead of including the actual instructions my rental place had a brief guide printed on a small sticker slapped inside the plastic snap case. Obviously if I just got my hands on the proper instructions, I could

Hey now, if you can find a better live-action/animated hybrid vehicle for a 90s NBA star, you can go ahead and criticize Space Jam all you want.

As a child my brain just couldn't wrap itself around the idea that a game could be "bad." Even with that X-Men game I assumed the problem was me not being able to figure it out. It came as something of a revelation when I was a teenager and realized many of those old NES games were absolutely terrible. Maybe it had to

I actually wrote a letter to Sega asking for help with that part. Back then if you sent them a letter they sent you back a printout with a step-by-step walkthrough of the game in question, which was of enormous value in the pre-internet age.

I think that was the only X-Men game on SNES for a long time. Meanwhile
the Genesis X-Men was at least playable and used non-terrible villains.
One of the few situations where Genesis had an unquestionable (though
short lived) upper hand. We Genesis owners needed

Apparently Undead Nightmare came out the very same week this pilot aired. What a glorious 5 days it was for western zombie apocalypse drama.

Hey, we Marylanders need that victory. Without that our only contributions to US History are Spiro Agnew, Chief Justice Roger Taney, and a state song that celebrates the secession we weren't even competent enough to pull off.

You got some kinda problem with rambling, run-on sentences celebrating a minor victory in an inconsequential war?

Arkham Knight sort of turned me off on Batman for a while, to be honest. Especially with the Scarecrow as the villain, it made me see the character in a "brute strength always overcomes brain-using cowards!" light that I wasn't happy about. I guess strongmen overcoming effete intellectuals has always been an element

Massive cognitive dissonance is pretty much a requirement if you want to be an evangelical.

Speaking as a Roman history buff who has lost way too much of my life arguing this, you have my sincere thanks for not blaming Constantine.

In my (thankfully very limited) interactions with evangelical Trump voters, there's a lot of the old "He's rich, which wouldn't happen if he wasn't godly" type of justification.

Wasn't Tywin Lannister supposed to have been a stabilizing, competent power behind the throne?

I'll never understand what happened with that. Did everyone in the makeup department's copy of Return of the Jedi break the week the makeup design was due? It wasn't even close.