e. pluribus unum

i rewatched it recently, btw, and it still gets me!

La Bamba

My top 7 Movie Scenes - SPOILERS
1. Movie 8, Snapes death -> the revelation that he's actually a good guy
2. Movie 7, using polyjuice to infiltrate the ministry
3. Movie 3, using the time turner to make everything right
4. Movie 7, the animated tale of the Deathly Hallows
5. Movie 4, going underwater to rescue your friends

failed dozensies?

i enjoying scheduling TW appointments…
can you say half day off from work?

cast it!
so let's cast this bitch:

They should stop with two movies
there's no bill and ted without Rufus

can you say "Cat Fight"?

Let the bells of justice ding and dong.

I'm just happy…
… that BoyZone made an appearance.

Judging from the embedded clip…
… the obvious choice for Nora is Drew Barrymore

I overheard…
…a plot point from Hurwitz's script for the Arrested Development movie that he's currently working on. A lot of it is going to take place at a wedding between Anne Veal and a new character, Gene Parmesan's son Nick - the weekend of the Veal - Parmesan wedding…

I hope you also brought a spare bowl of candy beans!

I can do the Bartman…
… just like Michael Jackson!!

I think they'll do alright… Even though Edwina's insides are a baron, rocky place where H.I.'s seed can find no purchase.

Nice film, right? I love the Cat Stevens.

Art v. Entertainment
I first watched Harold and Maude when I was 16. It was then that I became aware of films as art and not simply entertainment.

Yeeeesss, you diiid…
"Birthday Snake", Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Henry Rollins and Steve Winwood