e. pluribus unum

The Strokes before they were famous.
Portland Maine is a place that many bands come before they hit it big. I had a chance to catch a Strokes show about a month or two after they released Is This It? They were certainly a force in NYC but were a mere a wisper of the international sensation they soon became. I opted

I'll rip out his esophagus!!!

These waves are mine…
When's the episodic Teen Wolf remake video game happening?

No Dean Parker from Toy Soldiers (1991)

Pick up the phone, Ricky….
it's me! YOU!

When it comes to novels…
I guess Homey don't play dat.

The Typography…
…is terrible on the cover art. just sayin'

Obligatory mention of The Neverhood. Cool clay-mation, point and click, and the weirdest/eeriest soundtrack i've ever heard.

What did Kermit The Frog say when Jim Henson died?

Take off that vest, Fogel. You look like Aladin.
did that spring into anyone else's mind?

Going to take this as an opportunity to name drop…
I know the AV club doesn't usually talk about contemporary art like painters and stuff, but I got really excited when I saw this QandA. I thought it was going to be about art in the stricter sense of the word. Alas, I am disappointed. Maybe I should've taken a clue

This looks like a big turd…
You've lost my respect Neil Labute. I forgave you for the Wicker Man remake because you write amazing plays, but now I'll never touch anything with your name on it. Eat a dick.

up yer butt joboo