committed to Sparkle Motion

I live in a city that was large enough to have several, really decent video stores with lots of great exploitation, horror, foreign, etc. My local library? Not so much. Some hollywood blockbuster and a half-hearted criterion collection section is about all they stock.

I can't speak to the size of the iTunes movie catalog in the US, but here in Canada it's pretty bleh. Case in point: the passing of Herschel Gordon Lewis last week prompted me to want to have a little HGL marathon this weekend. Nothing on Netflix, nothing on iTunes, nothing orderable on the pay-per-download service

There was a time when I used to feel guilty about streaming/downloading movies from torrents. I justified it to myself by saying that it was Netflix's fault - they killed my local video stores, but only offered a fraction of the old catalog titles that I could find in the bowels of my favourite video stores. Now I

Consuming the VHS sections of my local Canadian video store in the early 80s meant that the Hollywood made (or at least Hollywood distributed) horror flicks were all cut and censored in the wake of the UK's video nasty panic. So a young teen me just wasn't prepared by the heavily edited Friday the 13ths and their ilk

Neil deGrass Tyson would be quick to point out that there is an enormous gulf between being open to the idea that we are not alone in the cosmos and being delusionally certain that your government is hiding concrete evidence that little green (or is it tall grey?) men are crashing in the desert, doodling in the corn

I rather it was Ms Hathaway from the Beverly Hillbillies. That chick was so hot.

You have to forgive skeptics for being arrogant dicks when they are called on by cable news to have to continuously debate the pseudoscience and junk science meatheads.

I love me some "Does He Love You?" from More Adventures. Such a brilliantly crafted story and a catchy tune. And come on, a whole hour and no time for "The Frug"? Shame.

I had a video store clerk job in the early 90s. A girl that worked there with me put this coked-up nightmare of a movie on the store tv every fricken day. She was completely consumed by it. And not ironically. I loathed it. I still have so much pent up hate for this movie that I almost couldn't masturbate to

"Medical debt" <canadian smugness="" intensifies="">

I think Dianne's conversation with Kurt a few episodes back, saying that she was aware of his "weakness for young blonde republicans" was her implicit admission that she knew he had been unfaithful. At least that's how I read it.

I always thought that, too. I also thought that it would have been cool to have her response to the Democratic party screwing her over in her state's attorney bid to be to cross over to the Republicans. It would have been completely in line with her character - she will do absolutely anything to win - as Dianne

I don't get it. Dogma seemed pretty PRO-Catholicism to me. Minstrel show?

Judaism never had the numbers to "widespread" pillage and kill, but ask the Palistinians, they'll tell you that they are sneakily proficient at it in small doses.#happytobeathiest

I concur. Winnipeger here who has happily driven the 7 hours in some questionable driving conditions just to see bands at this amazing venue. Fondest memory off the top of my head is any of the 4 times I have seen They Might Be Giants there. Great room.

It is possible that they could use the story from the recent new52 arc where Superman gets infected with the Doomsday virus. It gives them a reason to assemble a Justice League - to stop a monsterized Superman.

Sheldon isn't damaged - he's mildly autistic.

Well this news gets my day off to a shitty start. I remember my local station airing Batman reruns in no particular order, so you could never be certain if it was a Batgirl episode until you saw the motorcycle pop up in the crappily animated title credits. It was always a thrill when it did. She was so very pretty

She was at comic con a couple of years ago. She still looks great. I felt a bit bad for her having to make a few bucks from her recognition for this p.o.s

Actually, I kind of doubt that. Joey and Dee Dee both loved bubble-gum teen culture - albeit from bygone eras such as the 50s and 60s. That's why they were so up for starring in Rock N' Roll High School - it was sort of an homage to the JD-sploitation films of the late 50s.
Archie comics (especially the classic look